Cheap Web Hosting solution is an important issue that needs a sincere and quality approach to take the decision. As there are lots of service providers, the identification of the right kind of reliable web host is always a brain storming task. It is even more critical because of tons of information with promises and features, which make the task an intimidating one. But one shouldn’t be demoralised and better check some important issues to select the right solution, as follows:

1. Disk space.
Check the disc space that refers the amount of assigned storage space by free web hosting provider and this space can be used for storing of files e .g. texts, photos, audios etc., which might be there in the proposed website. Along with this, one has to check for the bandwidth that refers the downloading and uploading of the website. If anybody has lots of materials and has a handsome traffic, the website requires a high bandwidth and adequate disc space.
2. Applications and templates.
To get web hosting at cheaper rate one can try the free website hosting provider, who usually offers free hosting with application that helps the user to create own website by choosing the preferred templates and adding of chosen texts, files and photos.
3. Access to FTP/SFTP.
The File Transfer Protocol, FTP is another practice that transfers the files and photos from the computer to the hosting server. It has to be checked, whether the free web hosting entity has the round the clock unhampered FTP access or not. SFTP is the secure version of of FTP which is more better to use in production environment.
Almost all web hosting companies provides free email service and with the help of this, one can create own domain name and emails that provides an edge over competitors and also in gaining respect by having email id with own domain name. Initially to check the cost, the numbers of email ids have to be kept at small figures and afterwards it can be extended as per requirements.
The support service is another issue that needs a serious attention at the time of web hosting. The free, telephonic and mail support with reliability is the key issue in selecting the service provider because without 100% positive and timely support from the other end, the website cannot be championed on its own.
Pricing, as usual like other business, is the most important issue in selecting the good and reliable website hosting provider even in the case of Cheap Web Hosting scheme. In the event of free web hosting; the provider use to post ads on the website but with some sort of negotiation and bargaining, a good and workable website can be created with minimal expenses. It could be noted the website gets popularised not only by hosting alone but with the material it contains, which able to furnish useful and relevant information.
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