Understanding Linux File Permissions

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Understanding Linux file permissions are a fundamental aspect of system security and user management. Properly understanding and managing these permissions ensures that users have appropriate access to files and directories, preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches. With right permissions, one can secure the files from any kind of unauthorized use by other non-privileged users.

Understanding Linux file permissions
Mastering Linux file permissions like a pro.

This comprehensive guide will explain the basics of Linux file permissions, how to modify them, and best practices for managing them.

Table of contents:

  1. Introduction to Linux file permissions.
  2. Understanding file permission symbols.
  3. File ownership.
  4. Changing file permissions.
  5. Changing file ownership.
  6. Special permissions.
  7. Using Access Control Lists (ACLs).
  8. Best practices for managing file permissions.
  9. Conclusion.

1. Introduction to Linux file permissions.

Linux, like other Unix-based systems, uses a set of file permissions to control who can read, write, or execute files and directories. These permissions are crucial for maintaining system security and ensuring that users can only access or modify the files they are authorized to.

2. Understanding file permission symbols.

File permissions on Linux are represented by a combination of letters and hyphens. Each file or directory has a 10-character string that looks something like this:


Breaking down the permission string:

File type:

The first character indicates the type of file:

+-- - regular file
+-- d directory
+-- l symbolic link
+-- c character device file
+-- b block device file
  • - : Regular file
  • d : Directory
  • l : Symbolic link
  • c : Character device file
  • b : Block device file

Owner permissions:

The next three characters represent the permissions for the file’s owner:

 ||+--- execute
 |+---- write
 +----- read
  • r : Read permission
  • w : Write permission
  • x : Execute permission

Group permissions:

The following three characters represent the permissions for the group associated with the file:

    ||+--- execute
    |+---- write
    +----- read
  • r : Read permission
  • w : Write permission
  • x : Execute permission

Other permissions:

The last three characters represent the permissions for all other users:

       ||+--- execute
       |+---- write
       +----- read
  • r : Read permission
  • w : Write permission
  • x : Execute permission



In this example:

  • The file is a regular file (-).
  • The owner has read, write, and execute permissions (rwx).
  • The group has read and execute permissions (r-x).
  • Others have only read permissions (r--).

3. File ownership.

Every file and directory on Linux is associated with an owner and a group. These associations play a crucial role in determining the file permissions.

Checking ownership:

You can check the ownership of a file using the ls -l command:

ls -l filename

This command displays detailed information about the file, including its owner and group.


-rwxr-xr-- 1 john developers 1024 Jul 22 14:30 filename

In this example:

  • john is the owner of the file.
  • developers is the group associated with the file.

4. Changing file permissions.

You can change file permissions using the chmod (change mode) command. There are two ways to specify permissions: symbolic mode and numeric (octal) mode.

Symbolic mode:

The symbolic mode uses letters and symbols to represent changes to file permissions. The general syntax is:

chmod [who][operator][permissions] filename
  • who: Specifies the user(s) to whom the permissions apply:
  • u: Owner (user)
  • g: Group
  • o: Others
  • a: All (owner, group, and others)
  • operator: Specifies the action to be taken:
  • +: Add the specified permissions
  • -: Remove the specified permissions
  • =: Set the specified permissions
  • permissions: Specifies the permissions to be set:
  • r: Read
  • w: Write
  • x: Execute


Add execute permission for the group:

chmod g+x filename

Remove write permission for others:

chmod o-w filename

Set read and write permissions for the owner:

chmod u=rw filename

Numeric (Octal) mode:

The numeric mode uses a three-digit octal number to represent permissions. Each digit ranges from 0 to 7 and represents a combination of read, write, and execute permissions:

  • r (read) = 4
  • w (write) = 2
  • x (execute) = 1

The three digits correspond to the owner, group, and others, respectively.


Set read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, and read and execute permissions for the group and others:

chmod 755 filename

This command sets the permissions to rwxr-xr-x.

5. Changing file ownership.

You can change the ownership of a file using the chown (change owner) command.

Changing owner:

chown new_owner filename


Change the owner of a file to alice:

chown alice filename

Changing group:

You can change the group associated with a file using the chgrp (change group) command:

chgrp new_group filename


Change the group of a file to staff:

chgrp staff filename

Changing both owner and group:

You can also change both the owner and the group using the chown command:

chown new_owner:new_group filename


Change the owner to alice and the group to staff:

chown alice:staff filename

6. Special permissions.

In addition to the standard read, write, and execute permissions, there are three special permissions that can be set on files and directories: SUID, SGID, and Sticky Bit.

SUID (Set User ID).

When the SUID bit is set on an executable file, the file runs with the privileges of the file owner, not the user executing the file.

Setting SUID:

chmod u+s filename


Set the SUID bit on a file:

chmod 4755 filename

SGID (Set Group ID).

When the SGID bit is set on a directory, new files created in the directory inherit the group of the directory, not the group of the user creating the file.

Setting SGID:

chmod g+s directoryname


Set the SGID bit on a directory:

chmod 2755 directoryname

Sticky Bit.

When the Sticky Bit is set on a directory, only the file owner, the directory owner, or the root user can delete or rename files within the directory.

Setting Sticky Bit:

chmod +t directoryname


Set the Sticky Bit on a directory:

chmod 1777 directoryname

7. Using Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide a more flexible way to manage file permissions, allowing you to set permissions for individual users and groups.

Checking ACLs:

You can check the ACLs of a file using the getfacl command:

getfacl filename

Setting ACLs:

You can set ACLs using the setfacl command:

setfacl -m user:username:permissions filename
setfacl -m group:groupname:permissions filename


Grant read and write permissions to user bob:

setfacl -m user:bob:rw filename

Remove ACLs using the -x option:

setfacl -x user:username filename


Remove ACL for user bob:

setfacl -x user:bob filename

8. Best practices for managing file permissions.

Principle of the least privilege.

Always follow the principle of the least privilege, granting users only the permissions they need to perform their tasks. Giving more than necessary permission will cause chaos.

Regular audits.

Regularly audit file permissions and ownership to ensure they are set correctly and securely. System admins must keep a sharp eye on such things.

Use groups.

Use groups to manage permissions for multiple users efficiently. Assign users to groups based on their roles and responsibilities.

Monitor logs.

Monitor system logs for unauthorized access attempts and permission changes. Use tools like auditd to track file access and modifications.

Educate users.

Educate users about the importance of file permissions and how to manage them. Encourage users to set appropriate permissions on their files and directories.

9. Conclusion

Understanding and managing Linux file permissions is crucial for maintaining system security and ensuring users have appropriate access to files and directories.

By mastering file permission symbols, changing file permissions and ownership, and using advanced features like special permissions and ACLs, you can effectively manage file access on your Linux system. Following best practices and regularly auditing permissions will help you maintain a secure and well-organized environment.

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