We have a long history in terms of Java training and Java interview questions. We have seen many programmers grow and see how some outside the world of programming became developers. Analyzing a large number of our students in coding interview questions and contacting them, we asked them what advice they would give someone to improve their professional career as a programmer.
We need to prepare for the interview as there have been all sorts of different answers in Java interview questions that, perhaps, would fit more into a list of little tricks to improve as a programmer. However, other answers were repeated, again and again, making it clear that these common points are the best tips to optimize your work as a programmer and improve day by day, because, in the end, it is what is involved in this profession, right?

It’s not what you know, it’s not the skills you have, it’s what you do with it. We are going to reel them one by one, which is useful in some coding interview questions.
1. Know How to Use Version Control Software
I put this point in the first place because, although it is not the basis of a programmer, it is one of the bases of a good programmer and is useful in Java interview.
A version control offers you the total security that all your lines of code and all the versions are going to be there forever. Creating backup folders has happened to a better life. That’s if you work alone, and if you work as a team it’s still more necessary.
Implement different functions in parallel, upload to code production without fear of destroying everything or distribute the solution of bugs among several people.
2. Have a Profile on GitHub
Since we use Git, let’s also exploit GitHub.
There is the idea that GitHub is the LinkedIn of the programmers.
But nothing to see. Especially since very few recruiters are able to understand your code. GitHub is a collaborative community, it is a learning network and it is a portfolio.
The goal of GitHub, or so I see it, is to create or improve new technologies and tools and support each other and establish reciprocal learning in Java interview questions. Who accepts your lines in their projects learns from you. And, without egos, in this community, you can always learn from another.
Rewards are the creation of relationships (and friendships), continuous improvement and being part, no matter how small or large, of important projects.
3. Connection with the Industry
Use GitHub to improve your skills and help you answer Java interview questions, but stay connected with the technological world to know the news, trends, and twists that can be given. Follow gurus and specialists, but have your own criteria, apply that information to your environment and draw your own conclusions.
Many programmers and companies of weight recommended and bet by Ruby to the detriment of Python. We decided to support Python and time has proven us right, being Python one of the most used languages in different areas such as big data, financial sector or web solutions.
Our next bet is to dispense with Java in our Mobile Programming Bootcamp and use Kotlin. Risky? It may be, but it is the path we have decided to take. Does it sound like what happened with Flash? So inform yourself, compare, trust, but, ultimately, be the one to make the decision, even in the Java interview.
Through our newsletter, you will be informed of everything.
4. Take Actions Towards Continuous Learning
Once you make the right decisions, you have to take action. One step is worth more than a thousand thoughts. Many people are trapped in this area when dealing in coding interview questions, believing that, simply by being informed and having some knowledge about the subject, they are making progress.
They think they are out of their comfort zone because unconsciously they seem to be doing something useful, but this is a deceptive area that makes us feel that we are progressing, but with the advantage of not taking any risks.
Because of its double comfort, one goes into paralysis by analysis: “This language is promising, but I am going to investigate more, besides, now I do not have time to study, better I will do it next year”. It seems that this is also very good, I’m going to look at more information. In the previous example, although now Ruby is losing impact in the market, the pioneers in climbing were very successful.
In this world, the moment is very important, and the moment is now.
5. Attend Events
To learn something new, you need many hours of dedication, well, immersion.
But you also have to leave the cave to meet new people and opportunities. And for that are the events, core Java interview questions, MeetUps, workshops, talks, etc.
Not only will you get knowledge about new or already known things, but also you will make contacts, you will meet other programmers and, that, in this sector is extremely important, just like Java interview questions.
We hope the five tips above are useful.
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