Thomas Edison made a bold prediction by asserting that in the future, books will be obsolete. This prophecy is becoming a reality.
For instance, at the Kyrene School District, classrooms are filled with big interactive screens and laptops that teachers use to teach students. Here are eight future technologies that will shape our education system.

1. Cloud Computing
A cloud-based learning environment is characterized by flexibility, inclusivity, and a strong connection to the internet.
The provision of online instructions and reading is made possible because of digital devices such as iPads, mobile phones, and laptops.
Note that, cloud-based learning will be made possible because of the existence of virtual storage systems and technologies, which are then protected by companies such as Amazon, Google, or Microsoft Datacenter.
Virtual Learning Experience: With cloud computing, it is possible for children to learn through the internet. Teachers and educators can take advantage of cloud computing technologies and set up online learning hubs.
A good example of a virtual cloud-based learning system is the MOOC. These are online lessons that are available to a large number of people free of charge.
2. Digital Texts and eBooks
There will be the digitization of textbooks. According to Valerie Strauss, there is a decline of the traditional high school textbooks, because of a shift in the demand of e-Books. The education system in America is currently witnessing a demand for e-books. States such as Arizona and California have enacted laws permitting teachers and parents to use digital books. Stepinac is one of the schools that are gradually phasing out the use of paper textbooks in their classrooms. But all we know is that using digital books can ease the educational process as it is someone who can help students with learning. For instance, textbooks do not always contain all the necessary information for essays, research or annotated bibliography, and often students need help and ask not only parents but professional writers to write annotated bibliography for me or help with the essay.
Digital Books-Accessing Information at a Cheaper Price: The motivation behind the use of digital books is the amount of money that parents will pay, in order to access them. For instance, the President of Stepinac School asserts that the decision to promote the use of digital books was not a difficult decision to make. This is because students have a chance to access books at a cheaper price. The extent of e-Books reliance is not on students but also companies offering essay writing services rely on them. These companies provide any type of academic assistance to students, including proofreading services.
3. Gaming Technologies
Video games are common tools of play that children have access to. They are found in tablets, computers, mobile phones, etc. Video games are slowly being used to prop up the learning process. The use of video games encourages children to take risks and opens up their minds to critical thinking.
SimCity a Gaming Game for Engineers: This is a game where a student plays the role of a builder, and is tasked with coming up with a building and infrastructure that is attractive to residents. The game asks students to prioritize projects, and provide written reasoning for their decisions. Through this game, students are able to acquire problem-solving skills.
4. Augmented Reality
In terms of education, the use of augmented reality is the next big thing. This is a technological platform that enables you to digitally see another person’s view of the world, by placing a digital object on its image. This is a technology that is gaining popularity, and it is a fact recognized by Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple.
Experience the World with the Augmented Reality Technology: The augmented reality smart glasses, that is developed by Magic Leap One is set to come into the market in 2018. The company has received funding from technology companies such as Alibaba and Google. This is an indication of the increased popularity of the technology. The smart glasses come in the form of a headset fitted with a micro-computer.
5. Multi-Touch Technologies
Multi-touch technologies and interactive whiteboards are becoming popular in the education sector. These technologies make it possible for teachers to interact with their students. They help to promote the process of collaborative learning. For instance, an interactive smart desk makes it enjoyable for students to solve mathematical problems. They motivate children to learn and increase the efficiency of the learning process.
Collaborative Learning: Multi-Touch Technology: Microsoft and Apple have researched the technologies of multi-touch screens for a number of years. Nonetheless, the success of the iPhone encouraged other technologies companies to invest massively in touch technology. Education institutions are now using the technologies for the learning process. Examples of the technologies in use are the whiteboards, interactive smart desks, etc. This technology enables interactive and collaborative learning.
6. Social Media
Social media is gaining popularity amongst teenagers in the American social society. In fact, 9/10 teenagers have access to a social media account. These accounts can either be Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, etc. The integration of social media in classrooms empowers parents, students and teachers to share information.
Social Media Platforms: The Next Big Thing in Academics: From the identified statistics, it is obvious that social media is popular with teenagers. Children are already collaborating with other students through social media. It is now up to schools and learning institutions to push this collaboration to occur within the school learning environment. Practically, teachers can initiate conversations with students through social media. Moreover, they can integrate the daily learning activities into social media.
7. 3D Printing
This is a technological know-how that is often talked about in education. Educators evaluate the importance of 3D technology and how it can assist teachers to provide education services to their students. Nonetheless, this is a technological platform that is applicable to the STEM courses. When children learn to print objects using 3D printing technologies, they acquire creative and problem-solving skills.
3D Printers – Teaching Children to Be Innovative: The advantage of using 3D printing technology in classrooms is because it teaches students to accept failure and improve on their weaknesses. In a classroom environment, children listen, as the teacher is giving instructions. At the end of the lesson, students are supposed to follow the instructions given when using the technology to print the objects. Its either you fail or pass. Teachers do not give feedback on areas to improve. It is the responsibility of students to identify these areas. Through these techniques, students become innovative and creative.
8. Biometrics
Educators are increasingly relying on technology to identify students and match their academic needs. Biometric technology can be used for the identification of students. Biometric refers to a biological response that has the capability to provide educators with real-time feedback about the identity of a person. It can use eye position, heart rate or other biological data to provide such identity. In the future, schools will be forced to increase the use of biometric technology to identify their students. It can be used in library cards, issuance of lunch passes, attendance rosters, etc.
Final Thoughts
Well, technologies will shape the future of education. This is a fact. For instance, cloud computing technologies have enabled educators to provide online classes.
An example is the emergence of MOOCs. They are free online classes that rely on cloud computing technology.
Other technologies that will shape future education are 3D Printing, biometrics, social media education, and multi-touch technologies.
For learners to be conversant with these technologies, they need to know more about them. Thus tech trends in education is changing the way we learn today.
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