Every weekend most of us think of starting the coming week right. Because in a certain age of life we think to extract most out of the week which gets wasted in just office and then homework.
So, how to start your week right?
The easiest way to start the week right is at that exact moment when you have this, though, it doesn’t have to begin only on Mondays or on local standard time. I’m suggesting to start acting on the plan immediately because when we skip an actionable thought it never comes back in action.

If you’ve been backed by a couple of days, got some urgent work, pressed under deadlines, or just got sick? Don’t worry, take a deep breath, and start your week you want to.
#1. Take care of your body.
We all are a machine, a human-machine, who works 24×7×365 days. Even when you sleep, your brain and heart function as a busy machine. So take the best care of this machine — feed it, rest it, exercise it, maintain it the way it needs to be maintained. You may have heard of “health is wealth”, follow it.
The body and brain need sustenance and rest. Give it to them in the right amounts, good quality, no feeling guilty. It’s good sense. It’s taking care of your ability to produce so you can continue being productive. That’s how you can take good care of your body and brain.
#2. By being aware.
You’re here, right now. You’ve got these moments, these particular possibilities.
Choices. Certain advantages and disadvantages.
Specific opportunities will come and go. A situation, in an utterly unique combination of time, space, experience, personality, and possibility, that is yours and yours alone.
#3. Expecting success — not perfection.
A focus on perfection has a way of nullifying any good work you do. Aim for excellence, by all means. But do not let an impossible standard of perfection ruin the goodness of your excellent work. That’s why success should be on top of perfection.
#4. With kindness and perspective.
Don’t be a grump. If you’re being a grump, be quiet. Don’t ruin the day for everybody around you. Sit up straight and breathe deep. Take breaks. Stand up, walk around, look out the window. Quit being so hard on yourself. Let the voices in your head rage for a moment; don’t argue with them. Be quiet until they realize you’re not listening. Say things that are positive and true to yourself, to others. Trust me this works very well all the time – make it a habit.
Everything matters to a degree. What matters to the highest degree? What three things shift your world significantly? What three things fill it up to 80%? Focus on those things.
#5. With focus and the right amount of preparation.
Within the areas that matter to you, in your reality, there is only so much you can or need to do in a week.
All is not better than enough. Enough is enough. Do what is enough. Focus on enough. Get to enough. About the right amount of preparation, you know what that is.
Don’t let preparation become procrastination.
#6. With beauty and positive hope.
Music: turn some on. Poetry: read some. Go for a walk; admire the snow-covered trees or those fierce little flowers that brave the winds of March. Laughter is beauty. A clean desk is a beauty. A pile of books you love is beauty. A simple meal is a beauty. A kind of conversation is a beauty. Hope is a positive expectation.
Hope is sitting still at your desk for a moment before you get to work, and realizing that you are going to do the work, and you are going to reach your goals, and you are going to see what you’re looking for.
Desire is the fuel, hope is the steering wheel. Steer yourself in the right direction.
With such ideas, it won’t be difficult for you to start the week right.
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