Blogging is one of the most important traditional platforms that allow the bloggers to have direct interaction with the readers using comment sections.
In fact, there are many blogs where the readers can post their comment. However, the webmasters often have a tool known as moderation system which allows them to deal with harsh, obscene, or irrelevant comments which can be annoying and frustrating.

Furthermore, at times you may come across some comments which cannot be accepted at all. Of course, when you post a blog you are mentioning your actual name and want the same thing from the other people as well.
The comments need to be relevant, meaningful.
As a blog or an article writer you are composing a blog to inform people on some issue. Therefore, at the end of the day you expect people to send some valuable comments, feedbacks, and opinions which are relevant to the topic of your blog.
When you read positive and acknowledging comments, you of course feel great! But at the same you want people to comment properly.
Just adding a few adjectives such as ‘Nice’, or ‘Informative Blog’ does not add the actual value to the blog. The value enhances when somebody shares your blog on their social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter.
However, if you have solved somebody’s problem through your blog, you can always acknowledge a ‘Thank you’ written in comments section.
Delete objectionable comments or filthy language.
If you have allowed people to add comments to your blogs and send in their feedbacks, it does not give them the license to use slang or abusive language.
Of course, they might like your blog and send negative comments or may not appreciate it as expected, but using a filthy language is both insulting and annoying.
It is not acceptable by any means. You can immediately delete such comments and blog the commenter from your website. Besides that, adding an objectionable comment is not at all permitted and should be removed with immediate effect.
Now you have to decide how to deal with various comments.
Someone posting an URL in the comment area.
You are writing a blog as a professional writer and want to gain more web traffic from the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) point of view. But what if somebody starts promoting his blog by posting the URL of his website? Isn’t it annoying, and a kind of spam?
Obviously, it is extremely annoying. Most bloggers would delete it immediately.
However, the only exception is when the content of the web page is relevant to the topic of your blog. Moreover, why would you allow anybody else to promote his write-up on your personal blogging website?
Correction of spellings and grammatical errors.
This is one area where you need to be vigilant and watchful. In fact, many blog writers often get comments from the readers which are grammatically not correct in terms of sentence construction. It may also contain spelling mistakes.
Therefore, you have to do the painstaking job of correcting those errors before accepting it to your blog. This becomes quite necessary especially if you want your blog to be completely error free with high quality impeccable content.
It also helps in getting more traffic to your website.
However, if the comment is not meaningful, and contains mistakes better remove it.
Comments asking for irrelevant help.
At times, you may get comments where the commenter is asking you for some irrelevant favor. Please do not accept such comments at all, those are a kind of spam too.
It decreases the value of your blog post. The request for help could be based on some absurd issue which has got no connection with the blog.
The final word.
As a blogger your primary aim is to write and post top quality content which is meaningful and relevant. A good blog should always be interactive and informative.
Moreover, you should be prepared to face negative comments and tackle it calmly without getting agitated. Stay tuned with us for the latest tips on blogging.
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