How to create engaging client testimonials?

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The regular use of testimonials can generate 62% more revenue from customers, according to BigCommerce. That statistic alone should entice you to create more content, but you can’t simply add a testimonial to your site and expect traction; you need a marketing strategy.


How to make more engaging client testimonials?

Customer testimonials can produce more ROI for your business because they provide social proof from a legitimate source. If you want to take advantage of this medium, keep reading.

Make a video testimonial.

Of all the examples of client testimonials on this list, video testimonials are among the most effective. Not only do people retain more information from the video content, but video content is more engaging, emotional, and persuasive. Plus, you can use videos on any site or platform.

To create stunning video testimonials, make sure your customer talks about their pain points, their solution (your product or service), and their actionable results. The customers in your testimonial should speak to the audience directly and finish off the video with a call to action.

Feature realistic statistics.

All of your customers are important, but you want to focus on the best of the best when creating a testimonial. If you had to choose between a customer who experienced a 120% rise in ROI or a 50% ROI increase, you’d want to favor the customer that got the most out of your product.

At the same time, you don’t want to over-sell. If 80% of your customers achieved a 50% ROI increase and 1% managed 120%, fall back on the 50% figure. If your new customers expect a 120% ROI and never reach the mark, that could affect your credibility and transparency.

Show off, big-name customers.

When visiting websites, you may have come across customer logos somewhere on the business’s home page. For example, HubSpot includes Atlassian’s logo at the bottom of the page, while Atlassian also includes logos from companies like eBay, NASA, and Cisco.

These logos provide social proof to potential customers because they’ll start to think, “if big names are using this product, then it probably works.” You can add social proof to your testimonials by adding the person’s name, company name, or logo to your marketing.

Ask the right questions.

Some of your customers will be able to write, produce, shoot, and edit their own videos or write a review that’s endlessly quotable, but that typically isn’t the case. Your customers may not be marketers, so they won’t know what keywords to use or what other customers want to hear.

A scripted testimonial that goes through questions like “describe why you purchased the product.” or “how did the product help you?” can make it easy for customers to deliver a polished product. Ask them to send a raw video, so they don’t have to edit it afterward.

Choose the right equipment.

Home videos may lack visual quality, but they feel more real. Your average customer won’t have a studio in their backyard, ample lighting, and a top-of-the-line camera, so that level of quality isn’t necessary. A smartphone video camera gives you more than enough to work with.

On the other hand, a high-quality headshot can be more engaging to your users because most professionals should have a decent phone camera. If your photos are plagued by heavy shadows or grainy pixels, it may undermine the person’s position as a thought leader.


Customer testimonials can increase your revenue, attract new customers, and position your brand as a leader in your industry, but you need to do them right. By following the steps in this guide, you’ll be able to create powerful and engaging client testimonials every single time.

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