Technology is gradually creeping into the classrooms, slowly taking over the traditional methods of imparting education. From the use of slide projectors to the introduction of computers, laptops, and iPads in the classes, it is been seen as the next big thing that is going to revolutionize the field of education.
The reason for this visualization is the many benefits that it promises to offer. Students and instructors, both are supposed to get a booster from this.
Here are a few ways how:

01. Increased curiosity.
There is a quote that goes like ‘Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one to as why?’ This word ‘why’, along with other words like ‘how’, ‘what’, ‘why not’ etc, coming up from the inquisitive minds is known to be the best thing that enhances learning and understanding of the subject. In fact, these are the words that are known to make Albert Einstein a personal favorite of Nobel Prize-winning legendary researcher Max Planck.
02. Enhanced motivation.
Many professors believe that kids like to get immediate results. The sooner they get the result, the better is the torch of interest and curiosity lighted up. In addition, the interest that arouses from the use of technology motivates them to go further and explore themselves on the topics they learn.
03. Fun learning.
Technology brings with it an idea of fun that we all love to have, let alone kids. What better way to learn something, while one can have fun and still be focused on learning.
04. Better self-esteem.
The introduction of technology in the course of learning allows students to participate more actively in the process. Unlike before, they are not merely at the receiving end of it.
Technology increases their curiosity and interest as I mentioned before, and they are motivated to go beyond the regular curriculum of textbooks.
Kids try to find out more about the subject, mostly by going online and when a kid gets to know something that their teacher did not teach him, his self-esteem is boosted. Apart from it, students who get the technology faster than those who do not, love to help the latter group. Thus enhancing cooperation, self-esteem – once again, and giving a positive impulse to a healthy class environment.
05. Interactive learning.
As I mentioned, technology has allowed students to actively participate in the learning process. Teachers ask students to make presentations on various topics as assignments and kids, just of eagerness and curiosity and interest, burn the midnight oil to make the best presentation available.
This two-way communication boosts their morale and keeps them pumped up even in classes normally considered boring.
06. Better understanding.
An old Chinese proverb goes like “I hear, and I forget, I see, and I remember, I do”. Technology has enhanced the ‘see’ and ‘do’ part in the classrooms. The use of PowerPoint presentations, illustrative pictures, and videos, in addition to the regular textbook stuff surely magnifies the interest of students. It increases their focus, concentration, and hence overall understanding of the subject.
07. Boring becomes interesting.
When you the magic wand of technology to pump every kid’s heart up regarding a particular subject, nothing remains boring. Especially, after you bring in pictures and illustrative videos into play.
Technology has solved this long annoying problem of teachers who want to get their pupils interested in subjects that are conventionally considered boring. When nothing is boring, obviously everything is interesting and worth learning.
08. Easy access to basic classroom tools.
Technology has allowed schools and instructors to put the basic study material, lesson plans and curriculum, and time table online.
Additionally, teachers can give assignments and homework via the internet.
They can even put an e-copy of the grading results that can be easily accessed by both students and their parents.
09. The privilege of podcasting.
There are times when a student misses some lecture or the other due to various reasons. Podcasting has made it possible that some, if not all, of the classroom experience, to be revisited. Teachers can have a video of their lectures made and put it online, where students can access it using some secure channel.
In addition, it allows students to revisit lectures from the past to check on the things and the matter they might have missed. And it’s good for revision too.
10. Preparation for the future.
Technology is the thing that is going to drive the generations to come. When someone is close to technology right from his tender years, he’ll have hardly any problem grasping the advanced technologies that are inevitable to come along the way. Thus, making their lives simpler, even when they get old!
Also read: Cool things you can do with Google classroom
Now how does any of the above help the instructors? Well, isn’t it obvious? Technology has given teachers a means to make their classes more interesting. With just a little more effort, they can get their students to be involved in the course of learning, and that too in a good, fun way.
Students are getting more confident about the subject matter and their interest levels are at an all-time high. Isn’t that what every instructor wants?
As far as I know, getting a student to feel more confident and more curious about the subject is the dream! After that, rest everything is a cakewalk.
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