In the name of part-time online job, many scams are going on WhatsApp and Telegram apps. One day I too received this message and just to see how low they can go to cheat people, I gave a try with safety.

Let’s see how it went and where I stopped myself from getting into their scam.
Note: No job will demand you money, as everyone do job to earn money and not to give money.
First, someone contacted me via WhatsApp message from some international number with a job offer. Acting like a newbie, I accepted his/her offer and continued to the scam.

Then he/she told me to use Telegram, as this chat application is more versatile for scammers because in WhatsApp they are more prone to get restricted or banned all together due to moderate scams. On Telegram, they can roll their dice with hundreds of people at once.
I think Telegram should work on their system as scammers are utilizing it too swiftly.
Next, I was introduced to Receptionist Sarika, a fake profile with fake details. Although, they paid me for the very first demo task (to gain my blind trust on them). But they have a very solid recovery plan too, if you trap in their scam. See how it goes.

The job was in 6 task batch and once I complete 5 jobs, the 6th job was their recovery plan. This is where they begin their scam and trap people. As you seen on above image, she is trying best to recover the amount and pay her more to complete the scam.

So as per their 1st plan I have to pay them ₹1,000 in order to receive ₹1,200. This is the scam.
I reverted to receptionist that I do not have any money now as I hardly earned anything from them.
She said: If you don’t have any money, I recommend finding someone to borrow money, and you can return the money to him immediately after you finish the task, it only takes a few minutes.
She also said I will lose the money of 1-5 task as well; which was not a job in reality, but a filler stuff to make it look like a job. So, this is how they scam innocents, who don’t know how online job works.
They mostly target students, housewife or non-working class because they are the generation who wants to earn money fast and easily fall in such kinds of scam.
Update: I wanted to check the source of their scam, where the money is going on. So I let them know that I can pay now. When I was ready to pay, she sent me a link to some UPI gateway that was operated by some Chinese agency. The gateway belongs to which was in Chinese language with little bit of English where people can pay (definitely a scam).
I also thanked her for the content they have given. At least I can share this with the world and let everyone know that this is pure scam, going on WhatsApp and Telegram openly.

Lesson: Never fall in such scams.
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