
A website is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name.

  • Does Changing Web Hosting Affect SEO?

    Does Changing Web Hosting Affect SEO?

    Yes, changing the web hosting surely affect the search engine rankings, and it is obvious that it will happen due to multiple reasons. In this article, I’ll explain those reasons which are closely tested by myself. In the earlier article, I tried to explain – Does web hosting affect SEO? There I’ve explained factors that […]

  • How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your WordPress Site?

    How to Choose the Best Web Hosting for Your WordPress Site?

    So, you’ve finally decided to start a WordPress site. Whether it’s a blog about your cat’s daily antics, a budding online store selling handcrafted candles, or a portfolio showcasing your artistic brilliance, you’ve made the right choice with WordPress. But wait—before you begin designing your site, there’s one crucial decision to make: web hosting. Think […]

  • PageSpeed Insights Unable To Resolve. Try Checking the URL for Validity.

    PageSpeed Insights Unable To Resolve. Try Checking the URL for Validity.

    PageSpeed Insights is a website benchmark tool offered by Google that evaluates the full analysis of web pages performance on both mobile and desktop devices. The tool offers a detailed report on various metrics that affects the website loading speed, such as: Those terms may sound difficult to understand, but they are just a detailed […]

  • Check a Website for HTTP/3

    Check a Website for HTTP/3

    HTTP/3 is the new and fast standard of HTTP connection. Since it is a new standard and there are limited users, that is why there are limited tools ad methods to check whether a website supports HTTP/3 or not. In this article, I will show you ways to identify that a website supports the latest […]

  • What Is Page Load Time?

    What Is Page Load Time?

    In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, user experience reigns supreme. From ecommerce platforms to informational websites, blogs and websites, every online venture hinges on one critical aspect: page load time. But what exactly is page load time, and why does it matter? What Is Page Load Time? Page load time refers to the duration it takes […]

  • What loads first on a website?

    What loads first on a website?

    When you access a website, what is loaded first in a webpage? The browser loads the HTML file [Document Object Model (DOM)] at first. The browser starts to load the external resources from top to bottom, line by line. Several elements load in a specific order, typically following this sequence: HTML #Document Object Model (in […]

  • Maximize Revenue: A Dive into eCommerce Monitoring for Website Performance

    Maximize Revenue: A Dive into eCommerce Monitoring for Website Performance

    In the rapidly evolving realm of ecommerce, where digital storefronts serve as the gateway to global markets, the pivotal factor determining success is the performance of your online platform. With consumers expecting seamless experiences and rapid transactions, any hitch in your website’s performance can lead to revenue loss and diminished customer satisfaction. In this blog […]

  • What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)? Why would you need one?

    What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)? Why would you need one?

    What is a Progressive Web App (PWA)? A Progressive Web App, or PWA, is a web application that provides users with the experience of a native mobile application. It combines the best of both worlds by combining the features of a website and a mobile app. PWAs are designed to be reliable, fast, and engaging, […]

  • Page Cache Is Not Detected, But the Server Response Time Is OK

    Page Cache Is Not Detected, But the Server Response Time Is OK

    In WordPress CMS when we see health of the site (located under Tools and then Site Health section), you may notice following error message “Page cache is not detected, but the server response time is OK”. What is this and how to get rid of it? This is not error actually, but an indication that […]

  • Help guide for how to put a website on desktop Mac

    Help guide for how to put a website on desktop Mac

    Putting your favorite websites on your Mac’s desktop is a handy trick you can use. Most people rely on web browsers to access websites. Yet, you do not always have to do that. There are many other convenient methods of accessing such websites. This comprehensive guide is the perfect one to teach you how. Learn […]

  • Essential SEO tips for financial services: A guide to boosting your online visibility

    Essential SEO tips for financial services: A guide to boosting your online visibility

    Businesses in the modern digital world need to have a strong online presence to draw in clients. This is particularly true for financial service providers who must show their knowledge and dependability to attract new customers. Search engine optimization is one of the best ways to achieve this (SEO). Financial services may raise their online […]

  • Do you have a store and want to sell online? Start with these five tips!

    Do you have a store and want to sell online? Start with these five tips!

    The rivalry in the e-commerce market is getting more fierce as more companies go online. As a result, for businesses to thrive in e-commerce, they need a sound plan. These pointers will assist companies in establishing a powerful online presence, luring clients, and increasing revenue. Choose the right platform. You can choose a platform by […]