Web Servers

A web server is a computer that runs websites and online applications.

  • How to create a website?

    How to create a website?

    A website contains a collection of information in the form of web pages. These pages include texts, images, videos, and other components. Websites are often created for monetization and passive income sources. Learning how to…

  • 6 reasons why hosting companies should focus on regular data center maintenance

    6 reasons why hosting companies should focus on regular data center maintenance

    It’s a good time to be in the web hosting business. The industry has been enjoying double-digit growth on its way to over $150 billion in annual revenues. Although price competition is fierce, the demand…

  • How to choose budget-friendly hosting service for WordPress?

    How to choose budget-friendly hosting service for WordPress?

    WordPress is a very popular service to build user-friendly websites in no time. It provides the simplicity to build a websites with easy options. But, choosing the best Web hosting for a WordPress is a…

  • Different Web Hosting Services Your Business Needs

    Different Web Hosting Services Your Business Needs

    Your website is the foundation of your business, and finding the right web hosting service is essential to business growth and success. With so many web hosting services to choose from, the process can be…

  • Enable Hotlink Protection in Nginx

    Enable Hotlink Protection in Nginx

    Hotlinking is the biggest issue when we have limited bandwidth to serve, and we all website owners and bloggers should enable hotlink protection to stay away from “resource limit is reached” issues from our web…

  • How to select the perfect web host?

    How to select the perfect web host?

    You want to present your creative idea to the world. You have products and services, and you want to increase its customer base and market. Definitely for a lot of these similar purposes you need…

  • Install cPanel WHM on CentOS 7 RHEL and CloudLinux

    Install cPanel WHM on CentOS 7 RHEL and CloudLinux

    In this tutorial we will install cPanel and WHM on CentOS 7 or on RHEL and CloudLinux Platforms. In tutorial I have used DigitalOcean as web server. You can choose any of managed or unmanaged…

  • How to hide PHP version?

    How to hide PHP version?

    PHP is an open-source web scripting language that is widely used to build dynamic web pages. But its default installation leaves a hack and unneeded information called PHP version as X-Powered-By: PHP/X.x.x which help hackers to target…

  • Nginx Redirection Non-www to www and www to Non-www

    Nginx Redirection Non-www to www and www to Non-www

    Sometime we will need to redirect the main non www to www, or the vice versa, www to non www url. This Nginx Redirection is useful if you need to avoid duplicate contents in your Search…

  • Useful guidelines for a cheap web hosting solution

    Useful guidelines for a cheap web hosting solution

    Cheap Web Hosting solution is an important issue that needs a sincere and quality approach to take the decision. As there are lots of service providers, the identification of the right kind of reliable web…

  • How to Setup 301 Redirect in Nginx?

    How to Setup 301 Redirect in Nginx?

    301 redirect is very easy to setup if we are using Apache webserver, usually we do it via editing the .htaccess file, however if we switched to Nginx webserver then we will find that the old .htaccess 301…

  • 413 Request Entity Too Large

    413 Request Entity Too Large

    The error “413 Request Entity Too Large” is a very common error that occurs with Apache or Nginx web servers. It appears when someone requests more information than is limited by Apache or Nginx and…