Systematic Investment Plan

  • How To Invest in Mutual Funds Directly?

    How To Invest in Mutual Funds Directly?

    Investing directly in mutual funds can be a great way to build wealth over time. Recently, many new wannabe investors joined the race of investing in stock market, a few of them liked to invest directly in stocks and securities while the majority of them liked the way of mutual fund invest as it requires […]

  • Mutual fund types: Based on asset classes, structures, risks, and benefits

    Mutual fund types: Based on asset classes, structures, risks, and benefits

    In last article we seen what is a mutual fund and learned some of its technical jargon that haunt us all the time, now we are going to look into different types of mutual fund options we have to begin our investment with. But before we move on to types here is a quick recap… […]

  • What Will Happen if the Mutual Fund SIP Date Falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or on Any Holidays?

    What Will Happen if the Mutual Fund SIP Date Falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or on Any Holidays?

    Mutual Fund SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) will be triggered for investments on the SIP dates specified by the customers. But in case of a holiday, the same will be triggered on the next immediate following business or working day. For example, if your SIP date is 21st of each month and for instance this month’s […]

  • 4 tips for investing wisely in 2023

    4 tips for investing wisely in 2023

    Are you ready for the fresh new year to begin? Do you have financial goals for 2023 that focus on you making wise investments? Investments aren’t necessarily going to offer quick returns. Rather, it’s about looking ahead, being mindful of your future and playing the long game. All of that is easy enough to say, […]

  • Passive Income Ideas That’ll Make You Rich

    Passive Income Ideas That’ll Make You Rich

    You can make money doing almost nothing. But all you have to do is make some investments that earn themselves and pay you back some handsome returns timely for the lifetime. Here are some passive income ideas which looks feasible for everyone. I have listed ideas for large as well as small investments so that […]

  • What Is Opportunity Loss?

    What Is Opportunity Loss?

    Opportunity loss is a loss that occurs when you fail to (or unable to) grab an opportunity at the right time and later the value of that thing increased. This term “Opportunity Loss” is mostly used in financial field, but it is famous for many other fields too. Let’s consider an example of a Mutual […]