
  • How does voice AI revolutionize customer support?

    How does voice AI revolutionize customer support?

    In recent years, Voice Artificial Intelligence or AI has come out as a groundbreaking technology transforming the field of customer support services. By tapping into the potential of AI and natural language processing, it empowers multiple international businesses to simplify and enrich customer interactions across voice-activated devices and applications. This column explains how AI modifies […]

  • How to create a useful help desk ticketing system?

    How to create a useful help desk ticketing system?

    Many businesses and companies worldwide have embraced the use of help desk ticketing systems to solve most of their customer’s issues. A ticket is basically an inquiry or request that a customer/client submits to the help desk for assistance. A help desk ticketing system is essential for businesses. They keep track of all outstanding issues, […]

  • Tech-related problems that may hinder your business success

    Tech-related problems that may hinder your business success

    Technology has dramatically improved the way companies in a wide range of niches and industries conduct business. However, when technology is not properly utilized, it can be a detriment and may impede operational growth. The reality is that all businesses today need to make full and proper use of technology and innovation to keep up […]