Software Developer

  • Benefits of automated UI testing

    Benefits of automated UI testing

    While it’s important that developers find the right balance between manual testing and automated testing, due to every project being unique and requiring various elements to be evaluated, there are numerous advantages of automated UI testing.

  • 5 best exercises for custom software development management

    5 best exercises for custom software development management

    There are plenty of effective best exercises for custom software development management. Following the top management practices will greatly improve your chances of delivering a high-quality, valuable product on-time to your stakeholders. Naturally, this can greatly improve consistency, agility, and productivity across your software development lifecycle (SDLC). As an experienced software manager, there are an […]

  • What skills does a software developer need?

    What skills does a software developer need?

    Software Development has been one of the most popular career choices for the last decade. The rationale behind this is the fact software packages are used in virtually everything these days. From kitchen appliance, cars, computer’s, ATMs and in many things we tend to use in our daily lives runs on a software package. Software […]