
  • Why Mutual Funds Might Not Be the Best Investment for Everyone

    Why Mutual Funds Might Not Be the Best Investment for Everyone

    Mutual funds are often marketed as a reliable and straightforward way to invest in the stock market. While they do offer several advantages, such as diversification and professional management, they also come with their own set of drawbacks. Here are some reasons why mutual funds might not be the best investment choice for everyone, unless […]

  • Smart ways for your business to reward loyalty

    Smart ways for your business to reward loyalty

    Loyalty is what all businesses want from their customers, but it’s something that can be very difficult to actually achieve. When you do have a loyal base of customers in place, it’s important to find effective ways of rewarding that loyalty, so as to encourage them to continue being loyal and to show others how […]

  • Do Reward Schemes Positively Affect Customer’s Loyalty?

    Do Reward Schemes Positively Affect Customer’s Loyalty?

    Reward schemes have become a staple of marketing in the never-ending quest to secure customer loyalty. From having a card stamped when you buy coffee to get points when you fill-up with gas or do the weekly grocery shopping, loyalty schemes, and inducements to try a certain store such as through the use of POS […]