
  • Beware of This Scam on WhatsApp and Telegram!

    Beware of This Scam on WhatsApp and Telegram!

    In the name of part-time online job, many scams are going on WhatsApp and Telegram apps. One day I too received this message and just to see how low they can go to cheat people, I gave a try with safety. Let’s see how it went and where I stopped myself from getting into their […]

  • 5 benefits of implementing an effective internal control system

    5 benefits of implementing an effective internal control system

    In the dynamic realm of business, keeping an organization on track is more than just an ambition; it’s essential. Central to this operational excellence is a robust internal control system. Statistics indicate that companies lose about 5% of their annual revenue to fraud. Quite a shocking statistic, right? But here’s the good news: an effective […]

  • Radia tapes controversy: How one woman’s influence peddling led to a snake pit

    Radia tapes controversy: How one woman’s influence peddling led to a snake pit

    The Radia tapes controversy, a major political scandal in India, emerged in 2010 with leaked recordings of corporate lobbyist Nira Radia’s conversations with influential figures, revealing lobbying for ministerial positions, media manipulation, and government policy influence. The revelations led to political fallout, scrutiny of media integrity, legal probes, and public outrage, highlighting the deep connections between corporate interests and political…