
  • Beware of This Scam on WhatsApp and Telegram!

    Beware of This Scam on WhatsApp and Telegram!

    In the name of part-time online job, many scams are going on WhatsApp and Telegram apps. One day I too received this message and just to see how low they can go to cheat people,…

  • 5 benefits of implementing an effective internal control system

    5 benefits of implementing an effective internal control system

    In the dynamic realm of business, keeping an organization on track is more than just an ambition; it’s essential. Central to this operational excellence is a robust internal control system. Statistics indicate that companies lose…

  • Radia Tapes Controversy: How One Woman’s Influence Peddling Led to a Snake Pit

    Radia Tapes Controversy: How One Woman’s Influence Peddling Led to a Snake Pit

    The Radia tapes controversy, a major political scandal in India, emerged in 2010 with leaked recordings of corporate lobbyist Nira Radia’s conversations with influential figures, revealing lobbying for ministerial positions, media manipulation, and government policy…