
Productivity is a ratio between the output volume and the volume of inputs.

  • How to Work from Home While Being Productive?

    How to Work from Home While Being Productive?

    The ability to work from home is one of the sharpest double-edged swords in today’s modern, digital economy. On the one hand, it gives you tremendous freedom and flexibility. Who doesn’t like the idea of…

  • How to deal with resistance?

    How to deal with resistance?

    You’ll meet resistance every day everywhere you go as you engage in creative work. Your own resistance has its purposes, and you can learn to use your internal resistance as a tool. But how do…

  • What are the best apps for small business productivity?

    What are the best apps for small business productivity?

    When you are running a small business, there are many roles and aspects to your job, as well as different ‘hats’ that you wear for the role. And while making more hours in the day…

  • Ditch Your To-Do Lists to Be More Productive

    Ditch Your To-Do Lists to Be More Productive

    What I am going to write now is probably something that productivity business owners won’t share when they are stuffed with lots of work. I have lost my faith to to-do lists and I am…

  • Work Smarter, Not Just Harder: 3 Steps to Be More Effective at Work

    Work Smarter, Not Just Harder: 3 Steps to Be More Effective at Work

    We live in a world that likes to believe that anyone can get anywhere if they just work hard enough for it. The intern that everyone looks down on the first day on the job…

  • Ninja Productivity Move: Maintenance Mode

    Ninja Productivity Move: Maintenance Mode

    When you want to make progress in one area, you need to focus more of your attention and time on it. But you can’t let the rest of your life slide completely, eh? Enter the…

  • 5 Habits To Grow a Positive Attitude Towards Life?

    5 Habits To Grow a Positive Attitude Towards Life?

    Becoming a more positive and productive person is all about making simple, significant changes in your habits. Sound too much like a New Year’s resolution that’s doomed to fail? It’s not. You don’t need to…

  • How to Approach Your To-Do Lists?

    How to Approach Your To-Do Lists?

    How to approach the to-do list … without letting it eat your soul. Check out my way of approaching the to-do lists and make the day more productive. A to-do list is a tool to…

  • Stay more focused and less distracted

    Stay more focused and less distracted

    In this fast-paced digital age, maintaining focus and avoiding distractions can be quite challenging. However, learning to be more focused can greatly enhance productivity, improve performance, and lead to a more fulfilling life.

  • How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    Do you know that 20% of the population owns more than 80% of the world’s money and the rest 20% world’s money is shared by the rest of the 80% population? So what those 20%…

  • How to always stay energetic and productive?

    How to always stay energetic and productive?

    For someone living a busy life and whose operations are based on tight schedules, it is possible to get worn out. No matter how industrious one is, if they do not take deliberate measures to…

  • 5 Foundational Principles of Productivity You Need to Know

    5 Foundational Principles of Productivity You Need to Know

    There are plenty of productivity techniques and strategies and tips and tools and ideas. And they’re all great. Okay, some of them stink. But most of them are great. You can learn from them. But…