
  • 7 tips for boosting productivity at the office

    7 tips for boosting productivity at the office

    Improving productivity at work is important for both employees and employers. When individuals are more productive, they get more done each day, meet deadlines, and increase their value to the company. For businesses, higher employee productivity often translates into increased profits and an improved bottom line. If you feel like your productivity could use a […]

  • Focus on one thing at a time

    Focus on one thing at a time

    Though not necessarily only one goal at a time. There is much wisdom in simultaneous work, but that’s not the same as simultaneous focus (focusi? focuses? foci?). Even computers with multiple logical cores focus on a single task at a time. More on that another time. For now, we’re focused on focus. To get your […]

  • How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    Do you know that 20% of the population owns more than 80% of the world’s money and the rest 20% world’s money is shared by the rest of the 80% population? So what those 20% smart individuals are doing? Education, knowledge, and financial background do not count when you work smartly all the time. Not […]