
  • What Is Inrush Current?

    What Is Inrush Current?

    Inrush current, also known as ‘inrush current surge’ or ‘switch-on surge’, refers to the temporary surge of electrical current that occurs when a device or electrical equipment is first turned on. This term is particularly…

  • Advantages and disadvantages of BLDC fan

    Advantages and disadvantages of BLDC fan

    BLDC (Brush Less Direct Current) motor fans are making buzz in the electronic market as it hardly consumes electricity like three times less energy compared to normal fans and delivers better air even in low…

  • 1 HP is equal to how many watts?

    1 HP is equal to how many watts?

    1 HP (HorsePower) is equal to about 746 watts. HP to Watts calculator: HorsePower: HP. Watts: W. KiloWatts: kW. ★ The formula for an approximate result, multiply the Power value by 746. HorsePower (HP) is…