
  • The customer is always right – Here’s how to make them feel extra special

    The customer is always right – Here’s how to make them feel extra special

    It’s reasonably common for a business owner to fixate on the simple acquisition of profit through reducing it to sales and other conversions. The objective is to bring in potential customers, get them over the line, and bank the revenue. But this narrow view will never yield the desired results, and there’s one key reason: […]

  • How to improve your company’s customer service?

    How to improve your company’s customer service?

    Your business can’t exist without customers. Regardless of which industry your company is in, you must draw in new customers and maintain loyal clientele if you want your business to grow sustainably. You can’t accomplish these two goals if you don’t have a great customer service department. There is always room to improve how your […]

  • How to earn customer loyalty?

    How to earn customer loyalty?

    You may be in situations where you are enjoying a lot of customers who come into the business but never return, it is all about their loyalty that you are missing here. How can one earn that loyalty that customers keep coming back. Based on my own experience, it takes a lot of work in […]

  • Smart ways for your business to reward loyalty

    Smart ways for your business to reward loyalty

    Loyalty is what all businesses want from their customers, but it’s something that can be very difficult to actually achieve. When you do have a loyal base of customers in place, it’s important to find effective ways of rewarding that loyalty, so as to encourage them to continue being loyal and to show others how […]

  • Do Reward Schemes Positively Affect Customer’s Loyalty?

    Do Reward Schemes Positively Affect Customer’s Loyalty?

    Reward schemes have become a staple of marketing in the never-ending quest to secure customer loyalty. From having a card stamped when you buy coffee to get points when you fill-up with gas or do the weekly grocery shopping, loyalty schemes, and inducements to try a certain store such as through the use of POS […]

  • The art of customer loyalty: Build a company customer love

    The art of customer loyalty: Build a company customer love

    Running a successful business isn’t just about sales rates and acquiring new customers. It is also about respecting your customers, listening to their feedback or suggestions, answering their complaints, and improving the business. Owing to today’s technology, the words of a few angry customers can reach more people than you would expect and that can […]