FastCGI Cache

  • FastCGI Cache vs. WP Super Cache – or using both the caching solutions together?

    Webmasters always ask me – what has the better caching solution, FastCGI Cache or WP Super Cache, and some of them even come with even unusual questions like can they use both together? FastCGI Cache is faster than WP Super Cache. It is because FastCGI Cache uses compiled bindings that are fast and routes traffic […]

  • How to Configure FastCGI Cache with Nginx?

    How to Configure FastCGI Cache with Nginx?

    Nginx has obtained traction from webmasters due to its low-resource and high-performance feature. Although the default configuration of Nginx is already optimized for all the basic workloads; still you can take it to the next level by setting up a server-side cache. Our Previous Tutorials: How to Install LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP) on Debian […]

  • How to install FastCGI cache in Nginx for WordPress

    How to install FastCGI cache in Nginx for WordPress

    WordPress needs no introduction; as it is one of the most versatile and yet powerful CMS in the world which powers more than 25% of sites in the world. There are many ways you can setup WordPress. Most popular method is using cPanel provided one click install. However professionals are not using it, as cPanel […]

  • Install WordPress on NGINX with FastCGI Cache in Ubuntu

    Install WordPress on NGINX with FastCGI Cache in Ubuntu

    If you are running a WordPress blog or website on NGINX Webserver, then you should also enable FastCGI caching module, because FastCGI is not only better but also faster when we compare it with WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache under heavy load. We can simply say it eliminates the need of caching plugin […]