
  • Why cryptocurrencies cannot be the national currency?

    Why cryptocurrencies cannot be the national currency?

    Cryptocurrencies have been a hot topic in recent years, gaining so much traction as a form of decentralized digital and virtual currency. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and similar other altcoins (alternate coins) have captured the imagination of investors and tech enthusiasts alike. However, the idea of using cryptocurrencies as national currencies has sparked debates and raised questions […]

  • What determines the price of crypto? Tips you should know before investing

    What determines the price of crypto? Tips you should know before investing

    You’ve undoubtedly heard of cryptocurrencies, the digital coins everyone is talking about and trying to get the hang of. However, if you’ve only recently started looking into crypto, you may be unsure what it is and does exactly. It is a tradable asset sold and bought in a market context like stock and securities. The […]