
  • You only get one chance: The importance of first impressions for your business’s exterior

    You only get one chance: The importance of first impressions for your business’s exterior

    It is said that ‘you only get one chance to make a first impression’ and when it comes to the exterior of your business, this could not be truer. From customers driving past for the first time, or potential investors considering whether to trust in you and your organization – creating an appealing exterior appearance […]

  • 5 tips for redecorating old houses

    5 tips for redecorating old houses

    When you move into an older home, it’s important to make it your own. But that doesn’t mean ripping out all the characters of the house and starting from scratch. There are plenty of ways to update your home while still retaining its historic charm. Here are five tips for how to do just that: […]