• Web Hosting and Cybersecurity: Is Your Web Host Applying Necessary Safety Precautions?

    Web Hosting and Cybersecurity: Is Your Web Host Applying Necessary Safety Precautions?

    You have just set up your website, secured it, and boom! You go live and then it occurs to you that your web host is not even near taking cybersecurity seriously. Cyber insecurity is a rampant online crime that calls for stringent measures to contain it and that is why it deserves all the seriousness […]

  • Activism, or Illegal Activity? The Truth About Hacktivist DDoS Attacks

    Activism, or Illegal Activity? The Truth About Hacktivist DDoS Attacks

    For over five years, DDoS attacks have been touted in some circles as the next frontier in protests, an online form of a sit-in that disrupts a business or organization’s ability to conduct its daily activities. “It’s peaceful”, hacktivists in favor of this tactic argue. No one is physically threatened or made to feel unsafe. […]

  • Tools for simulating DDoS attacks

    Tools for simulating DDoS attacks

    DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service. Simulating a DDoS attack is regarded as a meticulous attempt for making a network or a server resource unavailable for target users by temporarily suspending or interrupting the services of a host interlinked to the internet. When it comes to a Denial of Service attack, one computer, as well as […]

  • What are DoS and DDoS attacks? What are their protection possibilities?

    What are DoS and DDoS attacks? What are their protection possibilities?

    Cyberattacks have turned out to be more common, with data infringes on top-rated organizations and businesses, making regular news on a daily basis. DoS threats exist in different forms, with few targeting the primary server infrastructure directly, whereas others take advantage of vulnerabilities in communication protocols and applications. The Distributed Denial of Service Attack is […]