
  • Stay more focused and less distracted

    Stay more focused and less distracted

    In this fast-paced digital age, maintaining focus and avoiding distractions can be quite challenging. However, learning to be more focused can greatly enhance productivity, improve performance, and lead to a more fulfilling life.

  • Focus on one thing at a time

    Focus on one thing at a time

    Though not necessarily only one goal at a time. There is much wisdom in simultaneous work, but that’s not the same as simultaneous focus (focusi? focuses? foci?). Even computers with multiple logical cores focus on…

  • How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    Do you know that 20% of the population owns more than 80% of the world’s money and the rest 20% world’s money is shared by the rest of the 80% population? So what those 20%…

  • How to Work Less and Get More Done?

    How to Work Less and Get More Done?

    A lot of people have started online businesses hoping to be able to quit their full-time job in the near future. But in the process, while they’re still just starting to build their business and…