
  • Why CPQ configurators are essential for modern businesses

    Why CPQ configurators are essential for modern businesses

    Achieving a profitable margin on complex configurable products can be challenging. From a technical standpoint, millions of potential configurations need to be considered when creating a quote and that is where CPQ (Configure-Price-Quote) system enters. A CPQ system provides accuracy that helps businesses serve their customers well. This also reduces back-and-forth conversations that can take […]

  • How to manage the main business challenges in 2023

    How to manage the main business challenges in 2023

    Events of the last few years have been incredibly difficult and created difficult market conditions in practically every industry. COVID-19, an economic downturn, inflation, the war in Ukraine, cyber-crime, and rising mental health issues are just a few of the main challenges that businesses are grappling with in 2023, and this can make it hard […]

  • How companies are hiding inflation without charging you more?

    How companies are hiding inflation without charging you more?

    It is not possible for companies to hide inflation without charging more, as inflation refers to the overall increase in the prices of goods and services over time. However, companies can take measures to minimize the appearance of price increases, such as reducing the size or quantity of products while keeping the price the same […]

  • Profit-ic! How to reduce operating costs and increase profit?

    Profit-ic! How to reduce operating costs and increase profit?

    What are operating costs? Chron describes them as involving “any expenses related to running your business, such as labor and office costs.” Meanwhile, Investopedia defines profit as “the money a business makes after accounting for all expenses.” Therefore, reining in operating costs while boosting profit would undoubtedly be a winning formula – but how can […]

  • How to reduce costs and risk across your business?

    How to reduce costs and risk across your business?

    The less you have to spend on your business, the more you can put back into it. To keep your numbers in black, make sure the facility is right-sized, and you are following all necessary actions to ensure customer data is secure. This is how one can reduce costs and risk across the business. Outsource […]

  • Simple Tips to Help Your Business Save Money Before the End of 2020

    Simple Tips to Help Your Business Save Money Before the End of 2020

    Many small businesses are losing money and struggling to survive because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is crucial that you try to help your business save some money before the end of the year. When it comes to money-saving ideas, however, though there are many money-saving ideas out there, many of them are […]