Cloud Storage

  • Harnessing the Power of DevOps: Identifying the right time for integration

    Harnessing the Power of DevOps: Identifying the right time for integration

    The adoption of DevOps practices has become a pivotal element for businesses aiming to enhance efficiency, improve reliability and accelerate the delivery of software products. DevOps, a portmanteau of “development” and “operations,” embodies a culture, set of practices and toolset that aims to shorten the systems development life cycle while delivering features, fixes and updates […]

  • Telecom Revolution 2024: Three technologies expected in the future

    Telecom Revolution 2024: Three technologies expected in the future

    The telecommunications (telecom) industry worldwide is searching for development opportunities as technology advances, communication needs grow, and demand extends the present barriers. However, the telecom sector is witnessing new challenges with other well-rooted industries, such as utilities. However, this field represents the foundation on which individuals and businesses rely to conduct daily tasks. Driven mostly […]

  • Is 5 GB email storage enough?

    Is 5 GB email storage enough?

    When it comes to email storage, the question of whether 5 GB of email storage space would be enough or not is a common concern for many users. It is crucial for individuals as well as working professionals to have sufficient storage available for their long-term communication as emails act as evidence of all the […]

  • How to map OneDrive to file explorer as a network drive?

    How to map OneDrive to file explorer as a network drive?

    Mapping network locations is great feature in Microsoft Windows and if you are using OneDrive to store your important data you’ll find application based storage solution not effective if the computer system has very small storage space. Just by mapping OneDrive you’ll not consume any extra space in system. Instead it will act as a […]

  • Why should you keep hard copy backups of your business documents?

    Why should you keep hard copy backups of your business documents?

    The value of a physical copy document diminishes as we move further into the digital realm. It may seem that hard copies of crucial business papers are no longer required in the age of cloud storage, backup hard drives, and mass storage alternatives. After all, why would you need physical paper when you can have […]

  • What are the best backup strategies?

    What are the best backup strategies?

    For backups, everyone uses some sort of solution. However, even with the best data backup solutions for your business, there can be moments of tension for when disaster strikes. Everyone wants to be as prepared as humanly possible so that they can almost expect every kind of danger and still combat it before its effects […]