burstable ram

  • What is the Difference Between Guaranteed and Burstable RAM?

    What is the Difference Between Guaranteed and Burstable RAM?

    Guaranteed RAM and Burstable RAM both are a common term in web hosting servers. Many hosting companies offer Guaranteed RAM in their dedicated servers while in affordable Virtual Private or Shared servers Burstable RAM is offered for any sudden load increase on the webservers. Guaranteed RAM is the amount of constantly available physical memory, which […]

  • What is Burstable RAM?

    What is Burstable RAM?

    Burstable RAM is the amount of physical memory, available in the server in a shared environment on a temporary basis for any sudden load. Burstable memory us used when you are planning to add many shared servers in a dedicated server using isolation or virtualization software. It is useful to have burstable memory, especially in […]