
Blogging refers to writing, photography, and other media that’s self-published online.

  • How Much Personal Information Should You Share with Your Readers?

    How Much Personal Information Should You Share with Your Readers?

    You might be thinking of how intimacy with the reader can be a question of concern. Since if a blogger will be more personal with readers, there are more chances that he/she will be able…

  • 11 blog post types to write that deliver results if you’re running out of ideas

    11 blog post types to write that deliver results if you’re running out of ideas

    It may be cliché, but it still stands true: content is still king. Among the many types, a blog seems to take one of the highest places. You just need to look at the statistics.…

  • What a Successful Blog Needs in 2019

    What a Successful Blog Needs in 2019

    Has blogging changed much in 2019? Well YES but NO is the real answer. Somethings have indeed stayed the same. The old but gold techniques of great themes and overall blog design are still key…

  • Why blogging is important for a business?

    Why blogging is important for a business?

    With multiple demands on your time, it’s not surprising if you’ve had trouble committing the effort necessary to keep up your business blog. But even very small businesses can yield great results from blogging. Adjusting…

  • 5 lessons to survive the struggles of blogging

    5 lessons to survive the struggles of blogging

    Every blogger must have felt like giving up and shutting down his blog for good at least once in his blogging career. Failure is as much a part of our lives as a success. If…

  • 5 Common Blogging Mistakes That Can Cost You Readers and Subscribers

    5 Common Blogging Mistakes That Can Cost You Readers and Subscribers

    The internet has pushed the boundaries of information well within the reaches of the common people. Just fire up your browser, and search for an idea. Fair to say that you can get your hands…

  • Highly Recommended Productivity Tips for Writers

    Highly Recommended Productivity Tips for Writers

    Minus writer’s block (which blocks writer productivity), writing can be a fun activity. As a career, however, writing or blogging can sometimes seem demanding, especially when you have a ton of writing to do. This…

  • No-commitment way to blog

    No-commitment way to blog

    Five years ago, author and blogger Mark Manson gave 33 pieces of advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. Among them, there was one that everyone dreams of making a living as a blogger should take to heart:…

  • 5 Reasons Blogging is Still a Better Career Opportunity

    5 Reasons Blogging is Still a Better Career Opportunity

    If your mind is still boggling over plenty of opportunities and you think you are really good at something then let me tell you the best career opportunities for you. You heard it right! I…

  • Best Blogging Platforms To Start Your Blog

    Best Blogging Platforms To Start Your Blog

    Around one and a half decades ago, when blogging had just started getting popular among the masses, it used to be considered as a perfect option to put one’s personal thoughts in front of the…

  • Blogger outreach platforms

    Blogger outreach platforms

    How can you implement a blogger outreach strategy for your campaign success? Despite the fact that blogger outreach consumes a lot of time, it may lead you to so much traffic and increase your revenue…

  • Blogging Starter Pack: 5 Steps to Begin

    Blogging Starter Pack: 5 Steps to Begin

    Blogging is one of the most fun things you can possibly ever venture into. What makes it so great is the fact that you’re free to become whoever you want – take on whichever persona…