
  • Strategies for efficient and effective blogging

    Strategies for efficient and effective blogging

    Writing a blog can be compared to driving, just like unless you hit the road, you will not know how to do it. The moment you decide to write a blog, the next thing in your mind will be what are the strategies to be adapted for an efficient and effective blog? Let us get […]

  • How to moderate the comments?

    How to moderate the comments?

    Blogging is one of the most important traditional platforms that allow the bloggers to have direct interaction with the readers using comment sections. In fact, there are many blogs where the readers can post their comment. However, the webmasters often have a tool known as moderation system which allows them to deal with harsh, obscene, […]

  • How to start a blog? The ultimate guide

    How to start a blog? The ultimate guide

    Hello, Friends! As you know starting a blog in the right way is a very crucial step. Because the wrong ways to start a blog will never ever bring success for you. So this article is all about “Starting a blog, perfectly and the right way”. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll navigate through every […]

  • Building Blogging Credibility the Right Way!

    Building Blogging Credibility the Right Way!

    With tons of blogs available with just one click, it gets difficult to outshine. You might think that only comprehensive writing skills are good enough to attract readers but the fact is that your polished writing skills will do only half the work. Until and unless readers believe in what you have to say, the […]

  • How to deal with negative comments on your blog?

    How to deal with negative comments on your blog?

    The most prominent agony that a newcomer faces in the blogging world is what if the article are met with some negative comment! Let me tell you then, it’s really going to be a shame to miss out on the interaction platform offered by blogging simply because of the fear of negative comments. It’s perhaps […]

  • Blogging vs. Vlogging: Will Vlogging Replace Blogging?

    Blogging vs. Vlogging: Will Vlogging Replace Blogging?

    Nowadays, blogging vs. vlogging has become a heated debate. In reality, though, neither one is necessarily better than the other. They are two entirely different mediums. But it’s still important to look at the blog vs. vlog difference just to get some insight. Both vlogging and blogging present opportunities for people across the world to […]

  • How Much Personal Information Should You Share with Your Readers?

    How Much Personal Information Should You Share with Your Readers?

    You might be thinking of how intimacy with the reader can be a question of concern. Since if a blogger will be more personal with readers, there are more chances that he/she will be able to retain readers for long. No doubt, this fact is correct, but somehow too much intimacy with the reader can […]

  • 11 blog post types to write that deliver results if you’re running out of ideas

    11 blog post types to write that deliver results if you’re running out of ideas

    It may be cliché, but it still stands true: content is still king. Among the many types, a blog seems to take one of the highest places. You just need to look at the statistics. According to the data collected by OptInMonster, Over 75% of Internet users read blogs regularly. Marketers who focus on blogging […]

  • Highly recommended productivity tips for writers

    Highly recommended productivity tips for writers

    Minus writer’s block (which blocks writer productivity), writing can be a fun activity. As a career, however, writing or blogging can sometimes seem demanding especially when you have a ton of writing to do. This can affect quality and productivity. With millions of content written and published daily and a seemingly growing demand for more […]

  • Best blogging platforms to start your blog

    Best blogging platforms to start your blog

    Around one and a half decades ago when blogging had just started getting popular among the masses, it used to be considered as a perfect option to put one’s personal thoughts in front of the world using the internet. People would often blog just to be heard. Today, it’s become a lot more than that. […]

  • What do you need to know to succeed as a blogger?

    What do you need to know to succeed as a blogger?

    Blogging is something (almost) anyone can accomplish by acquiring the right habits and following a clear goal. Success as a blogger (really, success in anything) boils down to instilling in yourself and in your daily schedule a certain set of the right habits. Let’s check out what you need to know to succeed as a […]

  • How blog post with images can boost readers interest?

    How blog post with images can boost readers interest?

    Well, what we all love to do in this ultra-fast visually appealing cyber age is undoubtedly blogging. Sharing agonies or happiness, discussing science or stocks, putting opinions on something, or anything else on the Earth, blogging is a common word that sounds everywhere. However, what we do not realize is the fact that a blog […]