
Of course, there are some things money can’t buy, but money can buy lots of things. Read articles, advices, tips, and tricks on broader money-related topics like — banking, credit, debt, funds, investments, markets, money, stocks.

  • Small Business Loans Offered by the Government of India

    Small Business Loans Offered by the Government of India

    India stands 3rd alongside US and UK nurturing world’s largest start-up base, as confirmed by NASSCOM in its 2016 Report. The country boasts around 40 million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) including both registered and…

  • How technology can help older generations with personal finance

    How technology can help older generations with personal finance

    Most technology is designed to benefit everyone. Yet, certain people feel excluded from the digital age — particularly the over 60s. As tech advances, many older people struggle to keep up. The government and certain…

  • How to build business credit?

    How to build business credit?

    The time has come to get a business loan. You did your homework; you probably looked into various financing options and lenders, informed yourself thoroughly about interest rates and payment terms. But, did you take…

  • Types of loans you should know about if you own a business

    Types of loans you should know about if you own a business

    There are many factors that go into owning a business. You have to effectively manage and hire new employees, look toward the future of the company, and much more. One of the most important areas…

  • Small Business Guide to Liquidity Management

    Small Business Guide to Liquidity Management

    The term liquidity refers to your ability to quickly move and use cash or easily converted assets in order to make payments. Some assets, like real estate, vehicles and similar collateral are not that easy…

  • How to consolidate business loans with bad credit?

    How to consolidate business loans with bad credit?

    Financial struggles have, unfortunately, become an integral part of the modern business world, as small businesses are bound to encounter certain financial roadblocks on their climb to long-term success and solvency. While these roadblocks might…

  • Accounting tips for small business owners to manage their own finances

    Accounting tips for small business owners to manage their own finances

    If you’re just getting started with your small business, chances are, you wear many hats. One of those hats is playing an accountant. The trouble is, most people who become their own boss don’t start…

  • Why Getting an Estate Loan Could Be the Best Thing for Your Startup?

    Why Getting an Estate Loan Could Be the Best Thing for Your Startup?

    If you are a budding entrepreneur with plans for a startup, chances are, you have gone through the basic 12-step guide to starting a business. It is also possible to hit a roadblock on finances.…

  • How personal finance software can help you out of debt?

    How personal finance software can help you out of debt?

    You can accomplish any task even personal finance with the right equipment and know-hows. Computer applications excel in simplifying the most complex tasks. Why not use one of many financing apps to help you pay…

  • 5 awesome ways entrepreneurs can finance their own business ideas

    5 awesome ways entrepreneurs can finance their own business ideas

    Today’s world of business definitely needs young entrepreneurs who are going to bring new ideas into the field, create jobs, easily get familiarized with modern tech, and make up a fierce competition. However, no one…

  • How to Repair Your Credit Score?

    How to Repair Your Credit Score?

    Any defaults on your loans, most usually student loans, car loans or mortgages should be fixed as soon as possible. The damage to your credit score due to these mistakes is huge and remains on…

  • Pros and Cons of Long-Term Bonds

    Pros and Cons of Long-Term Bonds

    Today our life is full of tech innovations and this tendency has already taken all spheres starting from media to food and clothes. It will not be a mistake to say that our world is…