While finishing every match of PUBG Mobile at the end you’re honored with the one or more Medal/s (Title/s) at the end of the match session, what are they, ever thought?
Here we have listed the meaning of all PUBG Mobile medals.

PUBG Mobile’s Medal List and Meaning
Armour Expert: Possessing level 3 armor, backpack, and vest.
Berserker: Doing damage over 800 with 3+ kills and survival time over 20+ min.
Bling Bling: Unknown (?)
Cannon Fodder: Player regarded merely as material to be expended in the match.
Chicken Master: (Derived from winner-winner chicken-dinner) Getting rank 1 with 5+ kills.
Couch Potato: Dying early in the game with below 50 ratings while your team gets the high rank and all other players get high ratings.
Curator: Having an almost full bag pack throughout the game.
Dead-eye: Kills via accurate shots in long-distance sniping.
Fight Club: Getting 2+ kills via the use of punches.
Finisher: Killing a critically damaged enemy (the initial damage should be inflicted by someone other than your team).
Fly on the Wall: Dying from being outside the safe zone without doing much (0 damage) after you land (generally players who get disconnected get this).
Flying Fish: Falling from a height inside water 2+ times.
Freeloader: Surviving in squad or duo throughout the game with 0 kills and getting good rank (generally rank 1).
Gladiator: Getting 2+ kills via the use of Pan, Crowbar, Machete, Sickle aka melee weapons.
Golden Boy: Winning doing 0 damage and taking 0 damage.
Grenadier: 2+ kills via grenade.
Gunslinger: Get kills between 7-10.
Head Hunter: 2+ headshot kills.
Headshot Master: Major kills from headshots. (Citation needed)
Helpless: Getting knocked out 3+ times in-game.
Lifesaver: Do 3+ revives.
Long Bomber: Getting headshot kills over a large distance by any gun.
Marathon Man: Covering over 1000+ meters distance by feet.
Marathon Runner: Covering long distance by vehicle.
Masochist: Doing damage to yourself by the grenade.
Medic: 500+ health recover (revives also help).
Nugget Dinner: Getting rank 1 with less than five kills.
Prone to Prone: (Prone also means lying down flat) getting 2+ kills in “lying down position”.
Road Rage: Getting 2+ kills by running people over with a vehicle.
Scavenger: Looting 2+ airdrops.
Sir Miss-a-Lot: Miss a lot of shots.
Skyfall: Dying via bombardments in the red zone.
Suicide Squad: Dying by blowing yourself up with a grenade or committing any stupid activity that can get you killed (running in an open field when enemies are around).
Survivalist: Getting 25+ min survival time with low kills and low damage.
Tactical Expert: Surviving the match with excellent planning and execution.
Terminator (with gold lining): 10+ kills.
Terminator (without gold lining): Killing the last person alive and getting rank 1.
Too Soon: Dying or getting killed within 3 mins of landing.
Wabbit Hunter: Getting 2+ kills via shotgun.
Wild Shot: Doing overall damage to less than 10 throughout the game, i.e 0 kills with a random hit (or 1 kill if a headshot).
Wretched Hive: Unknown (?).
If you know anymore which is not present in the list, let us know in the comment section below. Let that everyone know what that medal means.
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