Your Daily Dose of Business Wisdom and Technology Breakthroughs

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  • How to Copy Data from Old Android to New Android Phone?

    How to Copy Data from Old Android to New Android Phone?

    Technology change from time to time, upgrade would be more suitable term. There comes a time when you have to change your phone for one reason or the other; maybe because they are now obsolete…

  • 5 essentials for your business

    5 essentials for your business

    When you are running your own business you have so many balls to juggle. You could be doing any number of things on any given day, so sometimes it can be hard to know quite…

  • Software Development Outsourcing Traps to Avoid

    Software Development Outsourcing Traps to Avoid

    So, you have decided to work with an incredible software development team. Like most business owners today, you are most likely fully aware of the importance of having customized business intelligence solutions. In this day…

  • Here’s How You Should Enhance eLearning with SMEs and IDs

    Here’s How You Should Enhance eLearning with SMEs and IDs

    Creating exceptionally captivating, outcome-changing online courses is what the e-learning industry constantly strives for today. And, it makes sure to leave no stone unturned to fulfill it, be it incorporating the top-performing authoring tools since…

  • Facebook SEO: 15 Tips for Your Fan Page

    Facebook SEO: 15 Tips for Your Fan Page

    Facebook remains a king among social networks. It serves as your second homepage. This is where your customers will go when they want to learn more about your business or check peer reviews. It also…

  • 10 minute habits that will 10x your productivity

    10 minute habits that will 10x your productivity

    We all want to be productive and finish more tasks within the deadline. Who wants to stay behind their schedule? We all belong to the fast-paced, digitally connected, multitasking world, and, we often feel frazzled.…

  • Common productivity myths

    Common productivity myths

    Productivity, in a nutshell, is merely the act of producing or creating. This can range from cooking and cleaning in your own household to completing numerous marketing campaigns for your company’s top clients. In either…

  • What is jitter?

    What is jitter?

    In networking terminology, the term “Jitter” is used to define variations in latency during a continuous data transmission session. One should always aim for the lowest possible jitter in order to experience a lag-free networking…

  • What is Mixed Content Warning on a Website?

    What is Mixed Content Warning on a Website?

    The mixed content warning occurs when you are using HTTPS (secure connection) and a website is loading both secure (HTTPS) as well as non-secure (HTTP) contents. For instance, suppose a website is just installed an…

  • Drupal vs WordPress: Comparison of two outstanding CMS

    Drupal vs WordPress: Comparison of two outstanding CMS

    WordPress is a leading content management system (CMS) which powers a large number of websites on the internet. When it comes to picking a CMS for building websites, two names stand out i.e. WordPress vs…

  • How To Avoid Cheaters and Hackers in PUBG?

    How To Avoid Cheaters and Hackers in PUBG?

    PUBG is one of the most played multiplayer games, and it is available on PC as well as Mobile. No matter how strong is PUBG’s team to ban the cheaters and hackers, they are easily…

  • How to Change the Name in PUBG Mobile?

    How to Change the Name in PUBG Mobile?

    PUBG Mobile is the only game which hit the Mobile market so hard that even kids know about the game and they are damn crazy about it. But we all start with a weird game…