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  • 4 Modern Technologies That Have Made Learning and Training Easier

    4 Modern Technologies That Have Made Learning and Training Easier

    The importance of education in a person’s life is limitless. From the greatest scientists to the farmers that work hard to create food for each one of us, they’re all using some education. Indeed, education…

  • Cloud-Based Solutions Are Redesigning Global eCommerce Platform Management

    Cloud-Based Solutions Are Redesigning Global eCommerce Platform Management

    Cloud-based solutions are completely redesigning global eCommerce platform management. Every business has goals and aspirations that are completely unique. Cloud-based systems provide advanced technical solutions to manage your individual business needs. Even the way eCommerce…

  • How to Type Copyright Symbol?

    How to Type Copyright Symbol?

    Copyright refers to a legal right of the owner on intellectual property. You can found Copyright symbols on books, contents, logos, or any other intangible property of a creator. Many a time while writing documents,…

  • How to protect your independent online brand during COVID-19?

    How to protect your independent online brand during COVID-19?

    With the current situation, many entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, downsizing staff, and numerous such tough actions. Read: The Internet is Under Huge Strain Due to Coronavirus Lockdown Coronavirus (COVID-19) is deadlier…

  • Docker Booms with New Cloud-Native DevOps

    Docker Booms with New Cloud-Native DevOps

    Docker recently made a very bold announcement. They said that they are going to reduce the complexity of cloud-native development. This is encouraging news, as a growing number of cloud developers are turning to the…

  • How to Install a Desktop on an Ubuntu Server?

    How to Install a Desktop on an Ubuntu Server?

    Many a time I just need a server with a desktop interface, almost all the servers are based on the command line interface because it should be minimal in order to work headless. If you…

  • How to connect to an SSH server?

    How to connect to an SSH server?

    SSH is a secure shell that is a cryptographic network protocol that connects your computer to a remote server securely over an unsecured network. We use SSH mostly to access and manage the remote server…

  • What is a headless server?

    What is a headless server?

    A headless server is a computer without a local interface that is dedicated to offering services to other computers and their users. Headless servers do not have access to any display, keyboard, mouse, or any…

  • Actionable Ways to Start a Successful Career in IT

    Actionable Ways to Start a Successful Career in IT

    The IT industry is on the rise across the globe, and unsurprisingly so, as the digital and technological revolutions have sparked innovation across the business sector and created an opportune environment for the new generation…

  • Why you shouldn’t remove query strings from static resources?

    Why you shouldn’t remove query strings from static resources?

    We have been tough by a number of web experts that we should remove the query strings from the static resources in order to faster website loading time. But that was told for a reason…

  • How to Configure FastCGI Cache with Nginx?

    How to Configure FastCGI Cache with Nginx?

    Nginx has obtained traction from webmasters due to its low-resource and high-performance feature. Although the default configuration of Nginx is already optimized for all the basic workloads; still you can take it to the next…

  • Why Would You Need a Reseller Hosting Account?

    Why Would You Need a Reseller Hosting Account?

    Airbnb and Uber reached tremendous levels of success because they used property already bought and paid for by their users. This’s similar to reseller hosting, which allows you to borrow resources of an established web…