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When a crisis occurs that affects a country or the world, it can be advantageous to own gold. Utilized as a safe haven throughout the years when a weak economy occurs, it can hedge against…
Visuals communicate better than words. This is why the visual identity of your brand plays a significant role to grab the attention of your audience and create a long-lasting impression on their minds. Your visual…
Have you ever wondered, exactly how safe is your neighborhood? Whether you’ve recently experienced a break-in, had new neighbors move in that you don’t know all that much about, or simply want to check that…
Introduction Have you ever wanted to start a business from home and become more relaxed as you have never been before? Some people are aware that their fulltime jobs waste their precious time, and sometimes,…
Year 2020 was difficult time for everyone, but the same time came with a lot of new opportunities to take over the local as well as international demand. The same opportunity is here for data…
Data centers are the dedicated space in a building – a building premise – or it could be a group of buildings where a huge number of servers are running 24×7 with many failover safety…
If you’re a small business owner, you likely have at least one thing in common with other entrepreneurs – you can see the big picture and visualize the future of your company. However, you may…
The live streaming game is quickly gaining momentum as it is the most popular way for businesses or individuals to interact with their audience. If you have viewed a live video, you would know low…
Recently we enhanced our security headers and started facing ‘error in processing request’ in ajax calls. Error text: NetworkError: Failed to execute ‘send’ on ‘XMLHttpRequest’: Failed to load ‘http://masked.url/ajax.php’. (rejected) It seems that the connection…
The present-day economic crisis actually provides opportunities for anyone looking to start a new business and monetize on the change the Covid-19 brought. According to Taboola, various niches like home improvement and digital marketing experienced…
Okay, here’s the dirt under the rug. Skeptics and pessimists knew it all along that PV (Photovoltaic) modules or Solar Panels could not possibly be all that perfect and simple. Even the most elegant technology…
If one reads or listens to the stories and learnings of any successful trader, he would find one common thing in all of them – the hunger for knowledge and skills to compete with the…