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  • How to download stock images without a watermark for free?

    How to download stock images without a watermark for free?

    In this article, I’ll guide to download stock images without a watermark, and that too for free. Keep in mind that images could be copyrighted and downloading or using commercial stock images are illegal. Although,…

  • Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/) is another process using it?

    If you being a root or root privileged user who tried to install and interrupt the installation in mid of it, then you’ll see this error when you try to resume the installation again. But…

  • How to find inspiration in business?

    How to find inspiration in business?

    Staying inspired is key to being a successful business owner. Without inspiration, you could find it hard to come up with new ideas and solutions – which could cause you to slowly lose the love…

  • FastCGI Cache vs. WP Super Cache – or using both the caching solutions together?

    Webmasters always ask me – what has the better caching solution, FastCGI Cache or WP Super Cache, and some of them even come with even unusual questions like can they use both together? FastCGI Cache…

  • Advantages and disadvantages of lithium-ion batteries

    Advantages and disadvantages of lithium-ion batteries

    A lithium-ion (li-ion) battery is a type of rechargeable battery used in most electronic compact gadgets, electric vehicles, inverters, and is growing in popularity for industrial applications. Everyone once in a life has used a…

  • “You have new mail” message in Linux

    Sometimes, when you log in to the Linux server using the command-line interface (SSH – Secure Shell Protocol), you may have read this message “You have new mail” just after a successful login screen. Where…

  • Here’s how the HR managers can ensure customer satisfaction

    Here’s how the HR managers can ensure customer satisfaction

    Among the different parameters that are used to measure the organization’s success, customer satisfaction has always remained a high priority over the years. Many entrepreneurs consider that ensuring customer satisfaction is highly expensive and very…

  • Follow these essential steps while hiring the right person for the right job

    Follow these essential steps while hiring the right person for the right job

    Finding a good employee is a difficult process for any business. Hire the wrong person, and your company will be negatively impacted in both time and money. Hire the right person, and they might become…

  • 5 Expenses Your Business Needs To Spend in Order To Compete

    5 Expenses Your Business Needs To Spend in Order To Compete

    Every business owner has their own story, and their own strengths and weaknesses — but one thing that most successful business owners have in common is they’re good with money. These business owners know both…

  • Why should you use a name generator for your business?

    Why should you use a name generator for your business?

    Are you trying to develop a new name for your business? If so, you understand you have a lot of options at your disposal. How can you pick the right one? It might be a…

  • Actionable ways to make an eCommerce store cost-effective

    Actionable ways to make an eCommerce store cost-effective

    Working for yourself and running your own business can be exceptionally rewarding. You get to choose your own hours, follow your passions and potentially earn big and make a success of your dream. However, when…

  • ULIP myths that should be shunned away

    ULIP myths that should be shunned away

    Insurance and investment benefits within one plan? Yes, you read that right. It is possible with ULIP plans. Also known as Unit Linked Insurance Plan, ULIP is one such financial instrument that performs insurance and…