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  • 10 drills for efficient and secure file sharing

    10 drills for efficient and secure file sharing

    Ensuring efficient and secure file sharing is becoming more and more important. Since the world becomes dependent on data progressively, receiving and sending files efficiently and securely is essential to various business processes such as…

  • Does a fixed deposit counted towards the saving account’s minimum balance?

    No, a fixed deposit does not count towards the minimum balance. I do have to appreciate you, if you come to this article searching such a logical question. The minimum balance requirement is for Saving…

  • How to choose your colocation facility provider?

    How to choose your colocation facility provider?

    As the expenses of operating and maintaining on-premises data centres grow, businesses are rethinking their infrastructure and seeking to reduce on-premises data centre capacity. Colocation data centre providers have become a more appealing and less…

  • What happens if you overpay your credit card bill? Is it bad or beneficial?

    What happens if you overpay your credit card bill? Is it bad or beneficial?

    Most of new credit card holders think that overpaying the credit card balance may improve their credibility and credit scores, but that’s not true at all. Instead, it does nothing extra benefit to credit score.…

  • What Is CI/CD? Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

    What Is CI/CD? Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

    In the rapid changing world of software development, teams are constantly looking for ways to deliver high-quality products more efficiently. This is where the concepts of Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) come into…

  • Strategies for efficient and effective blogging

    Strategies for efficient and effective blogging

    Writing a blog can be compared to driving, just like unless you hit the road, you will not know how to do it. The moment you decide to write a blog, the next thing in…

  • Series and Parallel Connection of Batteries: Which One is Better & Why?

    Series and Parallel Connection of Batteries: Which One is Better & Why?

    Although, batteries connected in Series versus Parallel will offer roughly the same amount of runtime, unless the load is different. In the series connection voltage increases and ampere remains same and in the parallel connection…

  • Gadgets and apps that can help keep your kids safe

    Gadgets and apps that can help keep your kids safe

    It is a dangerous world out there. As every parent knows, we never know what lurks around every corner of the cyberbully on your child’s laptop. And it may not be possible to know everything,…

  • How To Block Bad Bots?

    How To Block Bad Bots?

    Overview: What are bots? Bots are just software programs that do repetitive, predefined, and automated tasks online. Generally, bots imitate human activity online. They were invented to perform tedious and repetitive tasks online to free…

  • How to ensure family’s financial freedom?

    How to ensure family’s financial freedom?

    If you’re wondering how a term life insurance policy allows you to wave through the pandemic, have a look at its key points.

  • Are multi-car insurance policies a good idea?

    Are multi-car insurance policies a good idea?

    Many families will have more than one vehicle to insure. This is where multi-car policies can prove useful. You will receive the same benefits as with a standard policy for car insurance, and also a…

  • 5 reasons to undergo a network upgrade

    5 reasons to undergo a network upgrade

    The innovation of technology happens every day. With the influx of users on the internet and the never-ending upgrades to computer systems, it’s easy to accumulate network traffic. Many problems come together with these fast-paced…