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  • Depository Participant (DP) Charges: Who can levy the charges and amount to consider

    Depository Participant (DP) Charges: Who can levy the charges and amount to consider

    Depository Participant charges are mainly levied on all the sell transactions associated with Demat Account. These charges are mainly exclusive of the brokerages and will not get reflected in the contract notes. These DP charges…

  • How technology affects process servers?

    How technology affects process servers?

    Some technologies are helping the legal profession and process servers. These include artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and surveillance devices. They are helping with compliance and tackling regulations more effectively and efficiently in terms of court…

  • Optimize NGINX for High-Traffic Websites

    Optimize NGINX for High-Traffic Websites

    Nginx is the most famous and widely used web server application for websites today. For static websites, Nginx is no less than a boon, while for dynamic websites it serves the need of a most…

  • How To Learn a New Language by Yourself at Home?

    You learn a new language by talking to people, listening to music, reading literature, and writing short articles. By reading books you develop your vocabulary while writing helps you to put down your thoughts in…

  • How to change default oEmbed width-height size in WordPress?

    oEmbed is a feature that allows a simple URL to be shown as a beautiful embedded item. This can help in many ways to bloggers and website owners as users click more on such embeds…

  • Selena Gomez Images

    Selena Gomez Images

  • Best content marketing tips for business owners

    Best content marketing tips for business owners

    As we are going forward in decades, traditional marketing strategies are getting of minor importance, and day by day, business owners enthusiastically follow the trendy plans in the market. And as it is evident, digital…

  • A quick guide to the different types of help desk software

    A quick guide to the different types of help desk software

    Help desk software is a platform that comes with a set of tools used to collect, organize, report, and respond to customer interactions. You’ll find modern help desk solutions in practically every industry and in…

  • Best business ideas that let you work from home

    Best business ideas that let you work from home

    Who would have thought that work from home will become the bread and butter of many families these days? The pandemic has affected almost all businesses globally, and the only way to survive is to…

  • How can we encourage more women to be involved in computer science?

    How can we encourage more women to be involved in computer science?

    If you’ve enrolled on a computer science course recently, you probably won’t be too surprised to learn that a gender gap has cemented itself in the field. According to one statistic shared by the University…

  • How DNA testing can help employers and employees find a history of illness?

    How DNA testing can help employers and employees find a history of illness?

    Science has given us many tools that can help us understand our health, but we have to be careful in how we use them. In this post, we will discuss one of the most popular…

  • Best WordPress Plugins for business websites

    Best WordPress Plugins for business websites

    WordPress is one of the most preferred (42%), user-friendly, flexible, and accessible content management systems available (CMS). You can use it to run a blog, an enterprise website, or even an online magazine. It offers…