Your Daily Dose of Business Wisdom and Technology Breakthroughs

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  • 5 tips for redecorating old houses

    5 tips for redecorating old houses

    When you move into an older home, it’s important to make it your own. But that doesn’t mean ripping out all the characters of the house and starting from scratch. There are plenty of ways…

  • Optimal stock control and management techniques to follow in 2022

    Optimal stock control and management techniques to follow in 2022

    If you are starting an online product-based business, then you must know that inventory management isn’t only limited to record-keeping. A skillful inventory management system can become a strong suit and give appropriate speed to…

  • The ultimate guide to improving your office filing system

    The ultimate guide to improving your office filing system

    Paper seems to have survived the invention of technology, such as mobile phones and the internet, which are staples of the digital era. This is exemplified by the extensive paper consumption witnessed in numerous workplaces…

  • What should you look for when buying a solar battery?

    What should you look for when buying a solar battery?

    Solar batteries have gained significant importance in today’s time, owing to the factor that these are the core of the solar power revolution. It is a device that stores solar energy for later use to…

  • What you need to know about VAT rules for gold and diamond businesses in Dubai and UAE

    What you need to know about VAT rules for gold and diamond businesses in Dubai and UAE

    In the United Arab Emirates, value-added tax (VAT) is levied on the import of gold and diamonds into the country. Therefore, gold and diamond businesses in Dubai and the UAE must register for VAT to…

  • How to prepare your business for rapid problem-solving

    How to prepare your business for rapid problem-solving

    Every element of your business works together like the cogs of a well-oiled machine. But what happens if one component becomes unstable or fails? Will the whole house of cards come crashing down? Preparing one’s…

  • How to improve your eCommerce sales in 2023?

    How to improve your eCommerce sales in 2023?

    eCommerce has been occupying a growing chunk of retail sales worldwide. Over the last two years, eCommerce sales have grown more than 25% and this trend will become even more evident in the upcoming years.…

  • 5 best instant personal loan apps for quick cash requirements

    5 best instant personal loan apps for quick cash requirements

    When in a financial fix, instant cash or finance can minimize your troubles and show you a way forward. In such situations, a Personal Loan can become your savior. It addresses your quick cash requirement…

  • The Real Reason Why microSD Card Slots Are Disappearing From Smartphones

    The Real Reason Why microSD Card Slots Are Disappearing From Smartphones

    A lot of technical reasons are discussed by manufacturers as to why micro SD card slots are disappearing from smartphones, especially from the high-end ones.

  • How to create better content than your competitors?

    How to create better content than your competitors?

    Were you aware that according to research data, 56% of marketers who leverage blogging state that it’s an effective strategy? Additionally, 10% claim it accrues them their biggest return on investment. If you want more…

  • What happens to oil companies when electric vehicles take over the market?

    What happens to oil companies when electric vehicles take over the market?

    Technology is rapidly changing everything, and electric vehicles will reduce oil consumption by a large margin. What we will be using in the electric era would be just grease and oil lubricants. So what happens…

  • How to make your business administration work easier?

    How to make your business administration work easier?

    Becoming an entrepreneur is a big decision that requires a lot of planning. When you start your own business, you have to come up with a profitable idea and plan everything from funding to marketing…