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With the technological advancements and the global marketplace becoming more and more integrated, companies today are absorbing newer means to achieve success. All sizes of companies in the quest to grow their business and improve…
Sometimes due to lack of time it is difficult to update the software and you end up with running old vulnerable version. In this cases, it comes to handy to know how to hide nginx…
If you have been looking for a new laptop that can quench your need for video gaming objectives, you can find some brands that provide gaming laptops with inclusive features that definitely gratify your gaming…
About Apache and Nginx Both Apache and Nginx is web-server software, that enables us to host website on a public internet. Introduction of Apache Apache is said to be the leading HTTP server software available…
Starting a new business can be an aspiration for several people who want to turn their fervor into a livelihood. Establishing a small business can be risky even for seasoned entrepreneurs, but running it can…
Wireless technology is always welcomed as they are advantageous than unwieldy, wiry networks. You have a lot of options as the facility of wireless charging for mobile phones is implemented. If your mobile phone is…
A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a network of computers which caches and delivers web content over different geographical locations. CDN is a means through which websites can more efficiently deliver web content to their…
In this tutorial, we’ll see Nginx Performance Tuning tips for all major Linux distributions like Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, and many more. Nginx is the best alternative to overbearing Apache in terms of serving more numbers…
NGINX (Pronounced as Engine-X) is an open-source, lightweight, high-performance web server, and proxy server. Nginx is used as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 protocols, on the other hand, it…
Interlinking of contents brings some benefit to your blogs and websites, which not only loved by your daily readers but search engines too. Moreover, as a webmaster, you have the complete control over the links of…
Microsoft recently announced its new operating system Windows 10 which would be yet most stable and reliable version. Yet they have launched its Technical Preview version just for testing purpose that means you still have…
Query Strings Remover is a WordPress Plugin (made by atulhost) that removes query strings from the website’s static resources like CSS and JavaScript files. Query strings are useful, but only when you want your site…