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Cloud Computing has completely changed the competitive scenario of businesses. Earlier, people used to run applications and programs on a physical server or computer in their office, but now Cloud Computing eases out the entire…
Kik is one of the most upcoming popular and the latest smartphone application used for instant messaging like other messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. We can use Kik to message individual friends…
Scholastic projects in college or university encompass a lot of assignments. Students are expected to encounter each of the various types of college assignments throughout the period of post graduation degree. Operating some writing tips…
NGINX is the best web server for almost everything. It can handle massive web traffic while consuming fewer hardware resources. By default, you can install NGINX on Ubuntu with command apt-get install nginx, but this will…
Whoever tried to start a business in the past knows that hiring an accountant is serious business. Naturally, you as a customer would want an aptly-trained professional to handle your finances and overall bookkeeping. But…
So finally after so many debates GST (Goods and Services Tax) become a reality today. The motto of building a new India through one nation, one tax, and one market seems to be on its…
Mobile ownership is increasing with leaps and bounds. Almost everyone today has access to a phone, either through one’s own or through a relative. At last count, the number of mobile phones ranged around 7.2…
You must know by now that choosing a domain name for the first time takes more than just a single minute of research. When setting up your website, one of the most vital parts of…
Good content is the backbone of all effective communication that leads to better marketing and sales and there is no doubt in that copywriters are the real geniuses behind it. If there is something that…
There is no doubt that Android and iOS both are great platform for applications. You will find millions of apps from Playstore as well as App Store. Still developers prefer iOS more than Android platform,…
You might go to a bar or visit your local park and see robots with artificial intelligence roam around doing what your friends and neighbors were doing until just yesterday. How would that make you…
Would you like to sell books on the web? This post is for you. Selling books online is an incredible approach to acquire additional wage. If you buckle down, you can even bring home the…