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Failure is the stepping stone to success. Yes, you heard right, This proverb suits everywhere, In life, In real life Challenges and even in your career. Being an entrepreneur, I understand the word Failure. 9…
Let’s understand about Pros and Cons of WordPress.com as well as WordPress.org, or in other words, this article is going to be wordpress.com versus wordpress.org. So in this article, I will differentiate WordPress.com and WordPress.org…
As we all know that nowadays majority blogs on the web are powered by WordPress. This is because WordPress is the most flexible content management system until now. To access the admin panel of your…
With a current market share of 26%, Magento dominates the other CMS in the field of eCommerce development. It is giving a very tough competition to the other eCommerce platforms like 3DCart, BigCommerce, Shopify and…
Many business owners find it hard to explain why their businesses grow at alarmingly slow rates, or at worse, are stagnant. You might have all the necessary components for running a successful business, but your…
As technology pushing itself towards high definition content the need for more storage is a common issue which we are going to face but with recent announcement made by Western Digital Corporation at the IFA…
Writing a good blog post is art. No matter how elaborate your content marketing strategy is, you can’t make a mark on your potential customers if you don’t do your research. It’s not considered wise…
Today our life is full of tech innovations and this tendency has already taken all spheres starting from media to food and clothes. It will not be a mistake to say that our world is…
Home theatre systems enable you to enjoy superior entertainment from the comfort of your home. It is an integral part of the overall entertainment system. Most people spend more time in front of their home…
A Content Management System (in short CMS) is a system or platform that manages your website and its contents. In today’s world on the internet, the majority of sites use content management systems to manage…
There is a global revolution going on. All over the world, and in many sectors, people are shedding the 9-to-5 jobs and trading them in for life as a freelancer or self-employed contractor. Freelancers come…
Blogging can be a hard thing to do once it becomes your main source of income. So much so that many bloggers work for years without taking a vacation which affects their mental and physical…