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Getting a gaming computer that has top-notch graphics isn’t all that it takes to enjoy your gaming session. You also need a gaming desk to help you set up your gaming space in the most…
LCD screens are not like CRT monitors. LCD screen uses a panel of pixels to produce the visuals. Over a period of time, such LCD Panels may face “Image Persistence” or “Stuck Pixel” issues, either…
Those who frequently travel for business may be at a heightened risk for security threats. Using various internet connections, sending and receiving emails from multiple accounts, keeping massive amounts of important files all on one…
If you are a Mac user and stuffed with so many files and folders, definitely you are looking for Mac backup solutions. Based on a small study we found that 6 out of 10 users…
Why does your brand need a community around it? What are the perks of having a group of like-minded customers who support your company? Well, it turns out that creating a community for your brand…
Without SEO, your company is missing a lot. Did you know that as we speak, Google gets over 63.000 searches per second? This is the average number, and it happens every day. The SEO trends…
I would like to wish all citizens of India a Happy Independence Day and Republic Day. May this day bring peace, joy, and unity to the country. Jai Hind! Every year on 15th August, we…
A lot of people have started online businesses hoping to be able to quit their full-time job in the near future. But in the process, while they’re still just starting to build their business and…
The mobile version of Facebook is kind of scary and Facebook manages to make two different apps, one for regular feed and another one just for messaging. While asking so many permissions like allow access…
Today the Internet plays a very important role in the life of almost every person. We use it to chat, to work, to learn, to relax every day and as a result it influences our…
The cost of web development varies significantly from country to country across the globe. If you ask how much does it cost to hire a web developer, it will be very difficult to answer without…
While popular culture is typically taking futuristic ideas to the extreme, robotics as well as the depiction of robots is no exception. For decades now, robots have been the staples of science fiction. More often…