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  • How to Focus on the Core Work to Achieve Your Goals

    How to Focus on the Core Work to Achieve Your Goals

    Every other week is our library trip. I look forward to this as much as the kids do, because it means I get new reading fodder. Also any place that has wall-to-wall bookshelves is my…

  • Hands-Free Ways to Automate Your Digital Marketing Career

    Hands-Free Ways to Automate Your Digital Marketing Career

    The landscape for the field of marketing has changed greatly over the last several decades. Focus has shifted from billboards and radio ads to search engines and content creation. In today’s world, digital marketing is…

  • How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    How to categorize your work into energy levels to increase productivity?

    Do you know that 20% of the population owns more than 80% of the world’s money and the rest 20% world’s money is shared by the rest of the 80% population? So what those 20%…

  • Essential writing habits which will make you more efficient

    Essential writing habits which will make you more efficient

    When it comes to writing the content, we all know that delivering the draft is our number one priority and things become complicated when one has no habit of writing. Thus to be productive while…

  • How to Cut the Clutter Out of Your Life? Way to Stay Organized

    How to Cut the Clutter Out of Your Life? Way to Stay Organized

    You know you have clutter. You know it’s eating up parts of your life. And you know it’s time to get rid of it. Here’s how. Identify the Area That Feels the Most Cluttered Tell-tale…

  • Tools to write SEO-friendly content

    Tools to write SEO-friendly content

    Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO is a very effective parameter that is used for boosting user traffic and engagement on websites. According to statistics, nearly 93% of online experiences usually start with a…

  • How Blockchain is Set to Shake Up the eCommerce World?

    How Blockchain is Set to Shake Up the eCommerce World?

    The blockchain is set to shake up the world of eCommerce in the same way that the world of eCommerce shook up traditional retailers. Popular online platforms have already drastically altered the way consumers shop.…

  • How to always stay energetic and productive?

    How to always stay energetic and productive?

    For someone living a busy life and whose operations are based on tight schedules, it is possible to get worn out. No matter how industrious one is, if they do not take deliberate measures to…

  • What Is the Minimum Internet Speed Required To Stream 4K Videos?

    What Is the Minimum Internet Speed Required To Stream 4K Videos?

    I often stream 4K videos on YouTube and sometimes view 4K 60 FPS, which almost bursts my whole internet connection. Still, I can do other tasks on Internet pretty smoothly. How? I use 50 Mb/s…

  • Radia Tapes Controversy: How One Woman’s Influence Peddling Led to a Snake Pit

    Radia Tapes Controversy: How One Woman’s Influence Peddling Led to a Snake Pit

    The Radia tapes controversy, a major political scandal in India, emerged in 2010 with leaked recordings of corporate lobbyist Nira Radia’s conversations with influential figures, revealing lobbying for ministerial positions, media manipulation, and government policy…

  • How to improve screen recording quality?

    How to improve screen recording quality?

    As you may have noticed the quality of videos that are recorded using screen recording can differ in terms of their definition and clarity, smoothness, and other factors. In most cases however it isn’t that…

  • Bitcoin mining isn’t profitable anymore because of energy consumption

    Bitcoin mining isn’t profitable anymore because of energy consumption

    Recently cryptocurrencies made so much hype in the market. Many of us thought it could be the next big thing. But after the Bitcoin hype, it seems mining is not profitable anymore because it uses…