Indian Flag Images, Wallpapers, Photos, and Pictures Free Download

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I would like to wish all citizens of India a Happy Independence Day and Republic Day. May this day bring peace, joy, and unity to the country. Jai Hind!

Every year on 15th August, we celebrate Independence Day as India’s freedom struggles finally ended from the British colonial rule on 15th of August 1947. It was all done by our hero Subhash Chandra Bose and his Indian National Army which was named “Azad Hind Fauj” who successfully liberated India from British rule.

On 26th January we celebrate Republic Day as the Constitution of India came into force on the 26th of January 1950. On both the uncommon occasions, everyone loves to wish each other through messages or send the Indian flag images and wallpapers.

In this gallery, we will not only show you the images on Rashtradhwaj of India but also make you feel more Patriotic about it. Check out our exclusive collection of the best Indian flag images, wallpapers, photos, and pics for independence and republic day.

You can freely use it as your desktop wallpaper or mobile screen.

Indian flag images

Indian flag images – 1920×1080 Full HD

Indian flag images – 1920×1200 HD

Indian flag images – 3840×2160 4K

Indian flag photos.

These are some cool collections of Indian flags, I hope you like all of them. Please share these Indian flag images and wallpapers with your friends and relatives.

Celebrate and enjoy this special day.

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Responses to “Indian Flag Images, Wallpapers, Photos, and Pictures Free Download”

  1. Karan Madhukar Avatar
    Karan Madhukar

    Freedom is given by our soldiers, who fight for us, as well as for the nation, I salute to all soldiers for serving India, Happy Republic Day.

    1. Arun Kumar Avatar
      Arun Kumar

      I agree with you Karan bro and thanks admin for sharing these awesome Indian flag HD wallpapers and images.

  2. Sumant Sahoo Avatar
    Sumant Sahoo

    Happy Republic Day. Thanks for the nice collection.

  3. Rupesh Chuahan Avatar
    Rupesh Chuahan

    Wish I all a very happy republic day. Jai hind.

    1. Pravin Avatar


  4. Anil Chouhan Avatar
    Anil Chouhan

    Happy Republic Day to all.

    वन्दे मातरम्।
    सुजलाम् सुफलाम् मलय़जशीतलाम्,
    शस्यश्यामलाम् मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम् ।।१।।

    शुभ्रज्योत्स्ना पुलकितयामिनीम्,
    फुल्लकुसुमित द्रुमदलशोभिनीम्,
    सुहासिनीम् सुमधुरभाषिणीम्,
    सुखदाम् वरदाम् मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम् ।।२।।

    कोटि-कोटि कण्ठ कल-कल निनाद कराले,
    कोटि-कोटि भुजैर्धृत खरकरवाले,
    के बॉले माँ तुमि अबले,
    बहुबलधारिणीं नमामि तारिणीम्,
    रिपुदलवारिणीं मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम् ।।३।।

    तुमि विद्या तुमि धर्म,
    तुमि हृदि तुमि मर्म,
    त्वम् हि प्राणाः शरीरे,
    बाहुते तुमि माँ शक्ति,
    हृदय़े तुमि माँ भक्ति,
    तोमारेई प्रतिमा गड़ि मन्दिरे-मन्दिरे। वन्दे मातरम् ।।४।।

    त्वम् हि दुर्गा दशप्रहरणधारिणी,
    कमला कमलदलविहारिणी,
    वाणी विद्यादायिनी, नमामि त्वाम्,
    नमामि कमलाम् अमलाम् अतुलाम्,
    सुजलां सुफलां मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम् ।।५।।

    श्यामलाम् सरलाम् सुस्मिताम् भूषिताम्,
    धरणीम् भरणीम् मातरम्। वन्दे मातरम् ।।६।।

  5. Rudra Pratap Yadav Avatar
    Rudra Pratap Yadav

    सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तां हमारा। जय हिन्द।

  6. Irshad Ahmad Avatar
    Irshad Ahmad

    मैं अपने भारत से कितना प्यार करता हूँ उसका अंदाजा सिर्फ ऊपर वाला ही लगा सकता है, I Love My India.

  7. Krishna Avatar

    Jai Hind

  8. Niranjan Sen Avatar
    Niranjan Sen

    Jai Hind
    Jai Shree Ram
    Jai Shree Krishna

  9. Rupina Misra Avatar
    Rupina Misra

    Khwahish poori karna bharat maa…. Kafan mera tiranga ho…

  10. Dev Maahi Avatar
    Dev Maahi

    सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तां हमारा। जय हिन्द।

  11. Manendra Avatar

    Thanks for sharing these Indian flag images, these national flags are awesome.

    Saare Jahan Se Accha Hindustan Hamara. Jai Hind.

  12. Rajendra Prasad Avatar
    Rajendra Prasad

    I Love My India. Many thanks for sharing collection of Indian Flag Wallpapers and Images, they are really nice.

  13. Kumar Abhi Avatar
    Kumar Abhi

    Hum Khush Naseeb Hai Ki Jo Hum Bharat Mein Paida Hui Hai.
    Hum Apne Bharat Ko Dil Se Pyar Karte Hain.
    Aur Karta Rahenge. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

  14. Mukesh ram Avatar
    Mukesh ram

    I love my India. Thanks for sharing collection of Indian Flags. They are really awesome.

  15. M. A. Qureshi Avatar
    M. A. Qureshi

    सारे जहाँ से अच्छा हिन्दुस्तां हमारा। जय हिन्द। I Love My India.

  16. Tejendra Nandkumar Baviskar Avatar
    Tejendra Nandkumar Baviskar

    नतमस्तक मी त्या सर्वांसाठी ज्यांनी भारत देश घडविला.

  17. करुणा शंकर Avatar
    करुणा शंकर

    हम किसी से कम नहीं । भारत माता की जय । वंदे मातरम ।

  18. Asgar Ali Avatar
    Asgar Ali

    Great Job Atul. Happy Republic Day to All 2018. Jai Hind.

  19. Archana Avatar

    Just love your all collection. All are best especially the 9th one. Happy Republic Day 🇮🇳 Everybody.

  20. Suryakant Avatar

    I love my India