Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • 5 ways to improve your work performance

    5 ways to improve your work performance

    Spending your working hours in an office may involve your dream job. However, it can still be difficult to maintain productivity in such an environment, and even harder to boost your performance. Therefore, it’s important…

  • What a Successful Blog Needs in 2019

    What a Successful Blog Needs in 2019

    Has blogging changed much in 2019? Well YES but NO is the real answer. Somethings have indeed stayed the same. The old but gold techniques of great themes and overall blog design are still key…

  • How to fix an overheating laptop?

    How to fix an overheating laptop?

    There are telltale signs that your laptop is overheating and it should be fixed as soon as you can. The most obvious sign is when it’s actually on your lap and you feel the burn!…

  • Companies can help international employees settle into their new surroundings

    Companies can help international employees settle into their new surroundings

    Being a new employee in a business is already a nervous thought, but imagine you were a new employee after arriving from overseas? It’s likely you won’t know a lot of people and you won’t…

  • How to Make Flyers in Microsoft Word?

    How to Make Flyers in Microsoft Word?

    A flyer is an advertisement tool, available either in digital or handbill form intended to announce an event and to launch a service. Generally, flyers are widely distributed in common areas or handed out to…

  • Are you productive, or just busy?

    Are you productive, or just busy?

    Are you delivering outcomes, or just outputs? Last week was a particularly busy one, as I tried desparately to clear my pile of work down ahead of a week’s holiday. As I found myself shedding…

  • What is jQuery Migrate! What Does it Do? How to Remove it?

    What is jQuery Migrate! What Does it Do? How to Remove it?

    In many CMS like WordPress or Drupal and in the static website we find jQuery and jQuery Migrate ( jquery-migrate.min.js ) scripts which enable some additional functionalities. As far as we know about jQuery –…

  • How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace?

    How to handle sexual harassment in the workplace?

    In our lifetime, we’ll spend around 35% of our life at work. That’s almost half of our life so to think that we could spend the majority of that life being sexually harassed is extremely…

  • 5 reasons why you should become an IT specialist

    5 reasons why you should become an IT specialist

    An IT (Information Technology) specialist is someone whose profession focuses on computer-based technology. Over the years, this group of people has grown tremendously due to the fact that most of our lives have become automated.…

  • Tips to Improve Your Career as a Programmer

    Tips to Improve Your Career as a Programmer

    We have a long history in terms of Java training and Java interview questions. We have seen many programmers grow and see how some outside the world of programming became developers. Analyzing a large number…

  • Best Cloud Storage Services Reviewed

    Best Cloud Storage Services Reviewed

    Windows is the top operating system in the world, even though it is far from being bug-free. If you save a lot of files on the hard drive of your computer, it may cause a…

  • Social media marketing ideas you are not using

    Social media marketing ideas you are not using

    Social platforms are not a novelty in the digital marketing universe, but they keep evolving and creating new opportunities for brand promotion. It’s not a surprise given the fact that networks such as Facebook and…