Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • Increase Your Business Agility Using These Software Tools

    Increase Your Business Agility Using These Software Tools

    As an entrepreneur, you’ll know that success relies upon business agility. For your business to drive continued success, it’s vital to review your efficiency and productivity ongoing. There are many software tools that can improve…

  • Cloud computing – a career field to look out in 2020

    Cloud computing – a career field to look out in 2020

    The technology is changing at an unprecedented speed, and so does its inventions. Significant advancements are seen in the sustainable space travel, 3D printing, genetic fortune-telling, and many AI-infused games. There is one constant amongst…

  • What you can do on a boring train journey?

    What you can do on a boring train journey?

    Those of us that commute by train to work, know the trials and tribulations we go through, regarding our phones. More than any other area, it’s where we find so much inconsistency when it comes…

  • The benefits of insurance in logistics

    The benefits of insurance in logistics

    Indian transportation industry plays a significant role in the growth of diverse businesses, irrespective of their industry. If you are a transporter catering to the needs of various clients, you know well about the risks…

  • How to Calculate Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate?

    How to Calculate Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate?

    What is Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate? In the eCommerce terminology, shopping cart abandonment rate is the percentage of online shoppers who items the shopping cart but abandon it without completing the purchase. It simple term,…

  • Network Capacity Fee (NCF)

    Network Capacity Fee (NCF)

    According to TRAI’s recent rules for broadcasters, all the Indian DTH providers has to allow their subscribers freedom to create their own customized DTH Pack so that consumer will pay only for the channels they…

  • Boost Your Content Marketing ROI by Using These Time-Tested Strategies

    Boost Your Content Marketing ROI by Using These Time-Tested Strategies

    The close relationship between content and SEO makes it mandatory for any marketing agency to ensure that they use content marketing alongside SEO in a collaborative manner for maximizing marketing gains. That is known to…

  • 5 Leading Indian Term Insurance Plans and Their Best Features

    5 Leading Indian Term Insurance Plans and Their Best Features

    One of the best ways to secure your family’s future in your absence is to consider buying a term insurance plan, which may give them an extra safety cover. Many companies in India offer such…

  • How to overcome the negative work environment?

    How to overcome the negative work environment?

    Did you know that people are more productive, creative and collaborative when they are happy at work? A big fat check might not be enough to enhance productivity. It appears we work harder when we…

  • Great Business Ideas for the Future

    Great Business Ideas for the Future

    Those who have plans of starting a business project in the future should probably not wait that long and get started on it as soon as they can. Things are looking pretty bright for those…

  • How Do You Manage Marketing?

    How Do You Manage Marketing?

    Every business with a solid marketing plan needs to have someone at the helm to keep it running well. Digital marketing is an important tool when it comes to reaching your customers and it has…

  • Key Transportation Analytic Tips from Big Data Consulting Firms

    Key Transportation Analytic Tips from Big Data Consulting Firms

    Transportation is an essential component of modern businesses and it’s important to tackle it with a mathematical approach. Sticking with the status quo can lead to lethargic processes and unwanted errors in how your business…