Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • Four Things Your Company Needs to Do to Attract Overseas Attention

    Four Things Your Company Needs to Do to Attract Overseas Attention

    Going global and attracting overseas attention is perhaps one of the most difficult skills to master in entrepreneurship. Appealing to an international audience is not only difficult, but it depends a lot of attention and…

  • Cultivating Consistency Across Your Entire Company

    Cultivating Consistency Across Your Entire Company

    Establishing a sense of consistency across your business is a relatively simple task when first starting out. Now that you’ve expanded, maintaining the high levels of cohesion over multiple locations is a far greater challenge.…

  • 15 small business ideas that you can start in 2020

    15 small business ideas that you can start in 2020

    Starting a small business is one of the best ways to earn your financial freedom and stop worrying about making the ends meet. A successful business is every entrepreneur’s dream. It doesn’t matter if the…

  • Kickstart Your Brand by Creating Digital Awareness

    Kickstart Your Brand by Creating Digital Awareness

    If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering how to make a name for your brand. With the current global health crisis, businesses made a huge shift towards establishing a strong online and digital presence due…

  • Does Your Term Insurance Provide a Whole Life Cover?

    Does Your Term Insurance Provide a Whole Life Cover?

    Term insurance is the foundation of excellent financial planning. There are certain advantages to a life insurance policy, and it also comes with some limitations. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose term insurance that…

  • Why does a:link a:visited selector override a:hover a:active selector in CSS?

    Most of us who are either learning CSS or trying out his very first project could face this issue. To fix this issue make sure you have all the selectors in the right order. The…

  • What is insurance?

    What is insurance?

    In everyday life, we need protective cover in some way, and that’s where insurance come. Insurance is a mechanism for safeguarding businesses or individuals from any kind of damages, injuries, losses, and any kind of…

  • Buying a Bike? Know These 5 Things About Bike Insurance

    Buying a Bike? Know These 5 Things About Bike Insurance

    In India, it is compulsory to carry motor insurance every time you are on the road riding your vehicle. Especially when you are riding a new bike, insurance is of utmost importance. It not only…

  • 4 Modern Technologies That Have Made Learning and Training Easier

    4 Modern Technologies That Have Made Learning and Training Easier

    The importance of education in a person’s life is limitless. From the greatest scientists to the farmers that work hard to create food for each one of us, they’re all using some education. Indeed, education…

  • Cloud-Based Solutions Are Redesigning Global eCommerce Platform Management

    Cloud-Based Solutions Are Redesigning Global eCommerce Platform Management

    Cloud-based solutions are completely redesigning global eCommerce platform management. Every business has goals and aspirations that are completely unique. Cloud-based systems provide advanced technical solutions to manage your individual business needs. Even the way eCommerce…

  • How to Type Copyright Symbol?

    How to Type Copyright Symbol?

    Copyright refers to a legal right of the owner on intellectual property. You can found Copyright symbols on books, contents, logos, or any other intangible property of a creator. Many a time while writing documents,…

  • How to protect your independent online brand during COVID-19?

    How to protect your independent online brand during COVID-19?

    With the current situation, many entrepreneurs are struggling to keep their businesses afloat, downsizing staff, and numerous such tough actions. Read: The Internet is Under Huge Strain Due to Coronavirus Lockdown Coronavirus (COVID-19) is deadlier…