Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • Gadgets and apps that can help keep your kids safe

    Gadgets and apps that can help keep your kids safe

    It is a dangerous world out there. As every parent knows, we never know what lurks around every corner of the cyberbully on your child’s laptop. And it may not be possible to know everything,…

  • How To Block Bad Bots?

    How To Block Bad Bots?

    Overview: What are bots? Bots are just software programs that do repetitive, predefined, and automated tasks online. Generally, bots imitate human activity online. They were invented to perform tedious and repetitive tasks online to free…

  • How To Ensure Family’s Financial Freedom?

    How To Ensure Family’s Financial Freedom?

    If you’re wondering how a term life insurance policy allows you to wave through the pandemic, have a look at its key points.

  • Are multi-car insurance policies a good idea?

    Are multi-car insurance policies a good idea?

    Many families will have more than one vehicle to insure. This is where multi-car policies can prove useful. You will receive the same benefits as with a standard policy for car insurance, and also a…

  • 5 reasons to undergo a network upgrade

    5 reasons to undergo a network upgrade

    The innovation of technology happens every day. With the influx of users on the internet and the never-ending upgrades to computer systems, it’s easy to accumulate network traffic. Many problems come together with these fast-paced…

  • How to find the best student accommodation near UTS?

    How to find the best student accommodation near UTS?

    Moving to a city like Sydney to pursue your university education can be exciting and challenging. Over 46,250 students study in the UTS, ranked the 9th best in Australia. Finding a good student accommodation can…

  • How to invest your first one lakh?

    How to invest your first one lakh?

    Investment is something which is read by everyone, only few of them able to understand it, and very limited users actually invest and achieve their investment goals. If you are interested in investing, why not…

  • How to choose a precious metals IRA company? Lear capital and more

    How to choose a precious metals IRA company? Lear capital and more

    If you have seriously started thinking about investing some of your money into a precious metals IRA with the aim of making your future financially safer, then I think it’s safe to assume that you’ve…

  • Things to know before you launch your business

    Things to know before you launch your business

    Doing a successful business is the dream for most of us. If you have been planning your business for a while and are finally ready to start, there are still a few things that you…

  • 5 Things To Consider Before Becoming a Registered Behavior Technician

    5 Things To Consider Before Becoming a Registered Behavior Technician

    A registered behavior technician (RBT) is among the most challenging yet interesting careers. Unfortunately, some people end up in careers they don’t understand and later start to regret. It is always important to take time…

  • What are SLP clinical fellowships?

    What are SLP clinical fellowships?

    Are you thinking about taking up an SLP clinical fellowship? Perhaps you’re considering working in the field of speech-language pathology, but don’t know how to get your foot in the door? An SLP CF might…

  • How a master’s degree in education can open up doors for you?

    How a master’s degree in education can open up doors for you?

    A master’s degree is a minimum requirement for most jobs in the education sector. Fortunately, completing a master’s degree online is much easier than it used to be. Hundreds of colleges across the country offer…