Author: Atul Kumar Pandey

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  • How Do Harassment Claims Work?

    How Do Harassment Claims Work?

    Workplace bullying and harassment are the number one cause of mental stress for Australians. In 2016-17, there were 1900 excessive work pressure claims, 1,815 harassment and bullying at workplace claims, and 1,140 occupational violence claims…

  • How will the Metaverse impact manufacturing?

    How will the Metaverse impact manufacturing?

    In the manufacturing industry, modern technology and automation are always top priorities. The sector is heavily affected by shifts and evolutions in technology. The metaverse, while it may sound ultra-high-tech will be no exception as…

  • How to build a legal firm marketing strategy?

    How to build a legal firm marketing strategy?

    Your legal firm’s marketing strategy can make or break its success. With a robust marketing strategy, you can haul in more clients, create a positive impression in the industry, and save resources — ingredients that…

  • Looking for the best savings schemes? Here’s how it looks!

    Looking for the best savings schemes? Here’s how it looks!

    Looking for the best investment options? Read this to know about the best saving schemes available in India

  • What is competitive analysis and how do you conduct one?

    What is competitive analysis and how do you conduct one?

    Introduction. In order to understand whether your startup has a good chance of succeeding, you need to conduct a competitive analysis. But how do you go about it? And what are the key questions that…

  • How to search files by extension in Linux?

    How to search files by extension in Linux?

    Want to search files using a file extensions like: *.css, *.js, *.php, *.txt, or *.zip etc. in Linux. Use the following command. sudo find /home/user/Documents -type f -name “*.css” Let’s understand the above command. sudo…

  • Why unused RAM is wasted RAM?

    Why unused RAM is wasted RAM?

    Random Access Memory in short RAM is a system memory typically used to store working data and machine codes in a volatile way. In the computing world, sufficient RAM makes sure the workflow is operating…

  • How to clean the Linux system?

    How to clean the Linux system?

    No matter what Linux system or distribution you use, over time it is going to fill with lots of files like unnecessary caches, dependencies, and temporary files. It may happen often if you have a…

  • Depository Participant (DP) Charges: Who can levy the charges and amount to consider

    Depository Participant (DP) Charges: Who can levy the charges and amount to consider

    Depository Participant charges are mainly levied on all the sell transactions associated with Demat Account. These charges are mainly exclusive of the brokerages and will not get reflected in the contract notes. These DP charges…

  • How technology affects process servers?

    How technology affects process servers?

    Some technologies are helping the legal profession and process servers. These include artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and surveillance devices. They are helping with compliance and tackling regulations more effectively and efficiently in terms of court…

  • Optimize NGINX for High-Traffic Websites

    Optimize NGINX for High-Traffic Websites

    Nginx is the most famous and widely used web server application for websites today. For static websites, Nginx is no less than a boon, while for dynamic websites it serves the need of a most…

  • How To Learn a New Language by Yourself at Home?

    You learn a new language by talking to people, listening to music, reading literature, and writing short articles. By reading books you develop your vocabulary while writing helps you to put down your thoughts in…